SHCC agrees to increase setbacks in downtown district

The issue of whether to increase setbacks for certain lots in Safety Harbor’s Single Family Residential (R-2) district has been hotly debated over the past year, as the City Commission held several sometimes-heated discussions on the proposed changes to the Land Development Code.
A proposed ordinance, which would increase the setback requirements from 15 feet to 25 feet, has been met with strong opposition from residents and organizations who believe the move infringes on property owners’ rights, while proponents feel increasing the setbacks will cut down on the amount of large-scale homes that are being built downtown, altering the charm and character of the district.
On Monday night, with nary a word spoken from residents on either side of the issue, the commission approved Ordinance 2016-25, which calls for increased setbacks as well as provisions for rear-facing garages and bigger front porches, on first reading by a vote of 4-1, with Commissioner Carlos Diaz voicing the lone dissenting vote.
“I think the City Commission really put a lot of time and effort into this over the last year,” Mayor Andy Steingold told Safety Harbor Connect after the meeting. “The idea was to have some parity between the lots. You can’t treat all lots the same.”
“So the idea was to create a little distance between the houses,” he added. “There’s gotta be some parity. I don’t think we took anything away regarding square footage. We’re trying to create additional setbacks on smaller lots. We’re not trying to take something away from developers.”
According to the terms of the ordinance, the proposed changes for residential lots in a subdivision platted prior to 1950 include:
- Increases in front yard requirements from 15’ to 20’ for building facades or rooflines at or below 18’
- Increases front yard requirement from 20’ to 25’ for building facades or rooflines above 18’
- Clarifies that the front yard requirement of 25’ for an attached garage applies on the primary front façade with a front facing garage door
- Adds a 15’ minimum yard requirement for an attached garage on a secondary front façade
- Increases the minimum yard requirement for one side from 5’ to 7’
- Increases the minimum total side yard from 14’ to 16’
- Adds a minimum rear yard of 10’ for an attached garage, façade or roofline at or below 18’
Additionally, the ordinance increases the setback reduction for an enclosed front porch from 5’ to 10’, and it clarifies how the minimum front yard is calculated in the city’s Traditional Neighborhood District-1 and TND-2 for detached single family and two family residential homes.
Unlike previous meetings on the subject, there was little debate, and no public comment.
However, Commissioner Diaz, who voted against the measure, expressed his dissatisfaction with the proposal.
“You’re going from 15 feet to 20 feet (on setbacks) but you’re increasing the porch from five to 10 feet,” he said.
“Basically, you’re trading porch space for living space.”
Mayor Steingold countered by saying the idea was to create parity between the bigger and smaller lots, adding “if you add up all the additional space that was changed, what are we talking about, eight feet total on all sides?”
“I mean if that’s the way the city wants to go, to encourage bigger porches and smaller homes,” Diaz responded.
The brief debate was quickly settled, and ultimately the majority of the commissioners voted in favor the proposed changes.
The item will next go before county officials before coming back for final approval from the commission sometime after the New Year.
Harborites, how do you feel about the City Commission’s decision? Let us know in the comments below.
Related content:
- Commission scraps controversial setback ordinance
- Residents, officials square off over the future of Safety Harbor
- P&Z board unanimously approves dozens of ordinances with little fanfare
- P&Z to address hot button topics Wednesday
Shelly , I see all messages have been deleted within minutes that other people posted. I guess you saw my above message. How unfair to not show both sides. Unlike this site that is fair to all.
Jeff Rosenfield, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season.
Thank You to all the wonderful residents who commented and liked the picture about me on saving safety harbor FB. I seem to be their new target for innocently buying a home in your wonderful town, I will continue to read them while watching over my mom. Please keep them coming so my Christmas Eve will feel full and complete since my computer is all I will be having tonight. Shelly though I have never met you Thank You for all your kindness for starting all this hate. I would like to Thank all the other residents as well for not coming to my defense, its a wonderful Christmas Present to know I am moving to a town where everyone hates me for no reason. Happy Holidays to You All, I am sure they will be better than mine
was curious about the Saving Safty Harbor facebook page, after seeing thise posts.
It has videos of the city counsel meetings, with some of these persons who are posting here so I guess they are mad about this? just saying. mayabe you should check out Saving safety Harbor on fb to.
montey, many of the replies have been erased so you are not seeing the scope of what started alot of this months back
I know it was not a warm welcome for me when all I saw were posts about me and my neighbors on iron age street that have ugly houses and are ruining safety harbor, and people putting their smart comments that were hurting our feelings. I am an innocent person buying a house and dont deserve this.
Many people walk buy my house and when I am a few feet away in my front yard and say hi they turn their head and ignore me. I guess I wasnt raised this way, and to find out that one of the people live across the street from me and is on the city board was very hurtful, however I know she doesnt care.
I was just on saving sh and I would like to correct some statements. I would like to know if you were told personally by the owners of the new homes that they were against the condo project. I know that myself and 2 of my neighbors talked to the builder about them yesterday and we are not thinking that at all. I guess I will knock on the other 2 doors to ask but I am pretty sure they have not said anything like that. Did you talk to all the neighbors before making that statement because the 2 that I am thinking about talk to no one in SH and stay to themselves because of all this mess. One of them never even comes outside so I dont think they said that. Also the statement about the condos having retail on the bottom floors is not correct as well. It will be parking for the residents and I know that because I am buying one of the units. Did you ever happen to look over at the spa, I am pretty sure it is multiple stories. The last statement is that the merchants are doing great , I have talked to many that say they are suffering, Did you know that the high rise and Iron Age homes will be paying around half a million a year in taxes. I know the Iron Age street is cracking and pushing up in the center and will be needing repairs and so will other parts of the city. Maby that tax money will help the waterfront park. I am almost positive a 3 story restaurant is not happening either. Please dont quote residents of iron age without asking. Just more rumors posted that arent true
Desyou and nick
Santa will bring you a nice lump off coal
Your neighbors all wish you a crappy new year
WOW another Safety Harbor resident wishing a neighbor a crappy new year. Tony, I wish you and your family the best New Year possible. Cheers!
Thank you to which ever member of this small band of weirdos mailed me the anonymous hate mail I received today. Next time, and I’m sure there will be a next time, at least have the ba__s to include your name. If you are not brave enough to stand behind what you say then keep it to yourself. There has been a lot more meaness and bullying shown by this group of smart growth and ayoub backers than by everyone else put together. Hiding behind first names, no names or made up titles does not show credibility.
I see you are right and anyone with an different opinion is wrong so they are weird. Its called karma. Imagine how the people feel that are new to town who have this directed to them. Iron age people cant be on their porch without someone saying something mean in their front yard or even walking into one of their garages to tell them how much they hate their house, and as far as being a bully I think you can thank savingSH for starting it all
Sharon you see my name and my photo but I can understand why someone would send you something anonymously because they would be afraid to be blasted/posted by your best friend Shelly Schellenberg’s Facebook page. Most people involved with Smart Growth have already been blasted on her page so if I was a betting person I would bet the house it is not one of them!
Sharon McAuley is a man, baby!
Sharon, I am writing this because I know you read this blog. I believe I got to meet you today while I was checking on a neighbor of both of ours (Laurette). She introduced us innocently because she is not aware of how much hate you have for newcomers I was concerned I had not seen her in a week walking around since I talk to her every day and sometimes have lunch with her ( I called a family member to come check on her). See this is what a neighbor does who cares about people around them and I dont even live there yet. I do not judge people by the house they live in. I finally got to see the person who hates our street so much and I must say I am even more sad that you live across the street and one house over from me, I was a little stunned when I asked you your last name . Let me fill you in about myself . I care about people . I worked in nursing for 25 years. My dad sat on the board for Suncoast Dream Fund we bought all the wishes at Christmas of children that are not picked who are dying . We are involved with many childrens charities since my 5yr old brother died of cancer. I anonymously support a few homeless kids while they are going thru school so they will have a chance of being successful in life . I direct my life in a positive way because it makes me feel good to help other people and I am able to do it. I must admit though I have never felt dislike in my heart till I started building on Iron Age and I dont like this feeling. I guess I should ask you. Am I good enough to live in SH?
Diane, you are the right type of people who should come and live in Safety Harbor. I see you in town supporting all of the businesses and you do not even live here yet. Don’t let a small group of individuals who are miserable pour negative energy on everyone’s positive outlook and future for Safety Harbor.
Ask Diane if she knew who Sharon was before last night. The Riddler has big ears, and wide open eyes.
Seems Sharon is being called out for something she did not do. Rather unfair.
– The Riddler –
Opps. Sorry Susan. I was wrong, Talked to Sharon and she is the one who was nasty. My bad.
-The Riddler_
Are you going to apologize to Sharon for calling her out as one of the individuals who has harassed you?
How exactly could you accuse her when you don’t even know her? Shame on you.
I initially felt sorry for you, but that has now changed. Why would you use her name?
Please don’t even try to deny this.
– The Riddler –
Again, I was wrong. It was Sharon. My bad.
-The Riddler-
Sharon, your unwelcoming commentary is truly appalling, especially as a Safety Harbor board member. You must be extremely upset with you friend and Saving Safety Harbor leader Shelly Schellenberg when she tore down that adorable bungalow to build her new BIG house for just her and her husband. And it looks like she took advantage of the 5 ft setback you were fighting as well. I imagine you two are barely speaking.
Kevin – Schellenberg’s back wall is just 1′ off the alley! But god forbid anyone else should be able to do this now. Hypocrites!
I applaud you, city council, for hearing the desires of your constituents. If people want large houses, choose a lot somewhere designed for that type of house…not our charming small downtown. My husband and I are residents and voters. We are watching carefully.
Thank you for paying attention!
We are very excited to see these new zonging changes as the 25 foot front setbacks will prevent any of those charming, bungalow-style homes from being built. Keeping the bungalow market volume down will only help homeowners – we only want a handful of these homes with front porches. We want the rest to look like subdivisions and the urban sprawl design of the 1970s.
Please like our page so we can get Hooper elected!
Wow , Now you are picking on the SHAMC building on your page which is very unique and visitors are amazed by it. What is wrong with you people now you hate art .
One word: YAY!
Right on, Valerie! We’ll turn Main Street into a park and end all these special events soon!
Get rid of these new home buyers!
Say no to growth!!
Next you are going to say no to 3rd Fridays! Might as well make downtown a subdivision.
Mick, I am stunned to hear she is an attorney and running such a page. I wonder if this is allowed by the Florida bar. Where are the ethics? Hey Sprawling SH maby you can tell the people who dont keep up their homes or paint them when needed to clean up their properties, and stop attacking the new homes that are beautiful. I recently was told one of the homes on Iron Age is going for sale and they are really nice people, very sad. Congratulations , I hope saving SH is proud to be such a bully hopefully the new family can take the hate much better.
We want the ‘out of towners’ to stop!
End the gentrification of Safety Harbor! Hooper for Mayor!
Below is a quote from David Riggle, Shelly Schellenberg’s husband (Saving Safety Harbor) on a blog written on Safety Harbor Connect Feb 8, 2015:
“Saving Safety Harbor supports smart growth for the city, especially the downtown area. ”
Enough said!
Oh Boy! I guess he never let his wife, Shelley schellenburg (author and creator of the Facebook page “Saving Safety Harbor”) know of his support. There is going to be a whipping in someone’s house tonight. Ouch!
If you are a parent you don’t want to see your child’s photo on a milk carton and if you are a candidate in Safety Harbor you don’t want to see your photo and support on Shelly Schellenberg’s Saving Safety Harbor Facebook Page!
Shelly Shellenberg, who operates the divisive and hate-ruled Saving Safety Harbor Facebook page while serving as a City Commission-appointed member of the Code Enforcement board, has posted that I am the head of Smart Growth Safety Harbor..
I am flattered. However, again Shameful Shellly is posting incorrect information as “her facts,” proving she is just another attorney with no ethics or standards of truth.
She lies, makes up stories and feeds on pitting neighbors against neighbors.
I support Smart Growth Safety Harbor. So? But if Shameful Shellly is telling others that I am heading Smart Growth, it proves again how little she knows about what’s going on in this community.
Her only skill as the new No. 1 supporter of Janet Hooper’s mayorship candidacy is a supplier of untruths, fear, attempted intimidation, and hate. i’m sorry for Janet.
Again, I challenge each and every candidate involved in next spring’s city election to condemn and disavow Saving Safety Harbor, separating themselves from a divisive, ethicsless voice of hate and lies.
A victory for us!
Thank you to Saving Savery Harbor and Schelley Schellenburg for helping to generate more urban sprawl by helping us to elect canidates and appoint folks to the planning and zoning board that support spreading out our city and giving our neighborhoods the look and feel of the post-World War 2 urban sprawl outside of of major American cities.
This is a victory for those of use that would like to see Main Street become less busy and will increase the likelihood that we can finally curb all the growth and events our tiny city just can’t handle.
Go Hooper! Go Zodrow!
Say no to Joe!
I’m against these changes period. People should be allowed to build what the want within the old requirements. Charming, old, quaint, cracker, etc. only goes so far. Quite frankly, downtown needs to attract money or rot away.
Thank You Commissioner Diaz for voting against this, I was going to buy the house on 340 4th street south and give them full asking price which is a lot for that small home ( I was waiting to see how this all went first) . I was going to tear it down but needed to build a 2 story because I have kids. I guess the people in SH do not like children because family cannot fit in a small cottage. I actually made this decision to pay full asking because I thought the Iron Age Street homes were beautiful and the area would be improving. I will not be purchasing it now because I see this town is so crazy about new construction I am not sure I would live through the process of getting everything approved. This will effect property rights of owners when buyers do their due diligence. People are not going to pay 225 a foot for an old small cottage that needs tons of work unless they plan to knock it down, and it is to much money to pay that for a lot to live in an area where people are fighting, downtown is suffering and the waterfront park is nothing special.
Well I see it as a victory for preserving the feel and look of the town that drew us to live here in the first place. You cant love the beautiful cottages with the use of a wrecking ball. I have seen Florida style homes on my street bought and demolished and replaced with two typical suburban style villas
You mean like the cute cottage Shelley Schellenberg destroyed? She destroyed a cute home and put up a bigfoot home – funny how she never mentions how she profiteers and how much development she completes in Safety Harbor.
The duplicity on display over on Saving Safety Harbor is laughable.
So happy you will NOT be purchasing this cute cottage. Another win for residents of downtown. If you have kids and need a bigger home, common sense would dictate that you look for one that has the sq ft and yard space for your family. There are plenty available in this town. Right behind this cottage is another cute cottage on corner of 4th Av & 5th St. The former owner refused to sell to developers and waited for a family who wanted to preserve this adorable home. The right people came along and have done a beautiful job restoring it. We need more people like this because THEY are the heart of SH. All of the huge homes built in the last few years have been bought by middle aged people with no children except for one attached row house which has a toddler. You can be sure that they will be looking for a home with a larger yard when he is just a little older.
The commission compromised on the zoning and came up with a plan that is best for the residents. We do, like most cities, have a existing Land Development Code and people should read it before they incorrectly think they can do whatever they want. There are rules. As a resident, I feel absolutely no need to bend to the wishes of investors and developers so that they can ruin our town and fill their pockets. Many of the comments on this site are consistently the SAME people and they are all out to enrich themselves, not caring at all about our quaint (they hate that word) precious town. Don’t let them poison your mind with their distortions. Check the facts for yourself, talk to people who reside
here. Follow the money trail and get to know who the players are so you can make an informed decision come election time.
Thank you Sharon!
Together we will turn Safety Habor into the textbook definition of urban sprawl!
Appreciate your efforts!
ATTENTION: Sharon McAuley is another board member on Code Enforcement backed by our current City Commissioners. How hateful not to welcome new people to Safety Harbor whether they buy an old or new home. Sharon – I hate to break it to you but your home is NOT quaint or charming. It is a 1970’s stucco home with a garage just 11′ from the property line.
You just can’t wait to vilify anyone who wants a newer or larger home than your home. Shameful and just not neighborly.
How can someone like this be on a city board representing ALL citizens??
Sharon – you are the one that submitted the petition to change the codes. They were fine as written. So no one was doing anything incorrectly, they were following the rules and codes. You just did not like what they were building. Still blows my mind that 106 signatures can create such a fiasco when we have almost 18,000 citizens.
You are NOT green for environment but green with envy. Leave the homeowners who want to beautify their homes and/or property alone!
Mrs. McAuley,
I was raised to welcome new neighbors with a plate of cookies or a pie not insults with a message we don’t want you here. I truly do not understand the root of your hatefulness towards new people moving into Safety Harbor. If you love it so much why would you not want to share our lovely city with new people?
Thank You M. Willette, You have stated what a community is really about. We are chasing away people who may be wonderful people and it is sad. I guess Sharon hates children. I love seeing children walking around. They are so innocent and having one run up to you when your having a rough day can put a smile on your face.
Seeing them at Halloween running around in costumes or staring at someones house decorated with lights at Christmas are just a few examples. A community is about having all ages and types of people who may have to live in different size houses . I love sitting at the Pier talking to the elderly and hearing their stories and I love seeing children running around. Being a good community is about getting a lot of people together and helping someone in need paint their fence, clean up their yard or giving them a ride to the store if they are unable to drive. Maby code enforcement should start a facebook page about helping others in need instead of one that targets hate toward new people moving in, I might also add that 4 of the five homes on Iron Age have kids living in them, they are not middle aged people building a big home for themselves and they have the right to live downtown like anyone else. I walk downtown past that street every morning while walking my dog and the people are so friendly it is sad they have so much hate toward them. I was surprised to learn that the house that isn’t finished yet is going up for sale when it is completed , I asked after I saw a realtor I had used in the past to buy my house was showing it to someone, she said the owners decided not to move in because of all this going on. I remember the lady talking at a city hall meeting saying her dad had recently died and she wanted to move to Sh because it seemed peaceful, well I guess she got to see the opposite. Does that make all your hearts feel good inside? If so you should be ashamed of yourselves. I was in downtown Dunedin last night and you could just feel the community feel as I walked down the street. Every building was lit up with lights including the boats at the pier. Merchants were busy , tables were set up near the sidewalks giving out hot chocolate, someone had a table sett up for kids to do crafts, and everyone was laughing and happy . Maby we should have one of our artists paint on a wall a mural that says BEWARE WE HATE NEW PEOPLE.
If the house being sold on Iron Age is the one being built then that is Diane’s home. She is the lady that was brought to tears at a City Commission meeting because the Saving Safety Harbor group was so mean to her. They actually told her the house was ugly!
I got to know her and she is a wonderful lady who had already been supporting our downtown merchants. This is just sad.
Well if you think that property is an example of cute and charming I am glad to not move into this hateful town and invest a lot of money. I wonder are homes that need painting, have rotted fences and dead grass considered beautiful and charming? I cannot believe grown adults act this way. The owner has been trying to sell it for a long time and being restricted will make it harder. Good luck to them because a cash sale just walked away. Who do you people think you are ? The dictator of SH. This is downtown not the suburbs. People who buy their homes or build within code do not deserve this treatment. I am sure the people on Iron Age built within code or the city would have not allowed it so dont make statements that people feel they can do what they want. They have broken no laws. And as far as being the heart of SH , people are what makes a good community and if our city board has this type of attitude I would not call SH a community feel. Take a good look at your hateful soul . It is sad and one day karma will come back to you.
From what I’m reading, the people demanding that the City Commission increase the part of a lot that cannot be built upon have an issue with lots in Downtown. It confounds me that a downtown rift is affecting property owner rights throughout the city. The first rule in considering changes to zoning rules is to determine if a problem actually exists. If the problem does not exist in NON-DOWNTOWN neighborhoods, why impact the private property rights of non-downtown property owners? City Commissioners: If it ain’t broke, please don’t fix it.
Sharon I have been thinking and we should welcome all people even if we do not like their homes. We come across as petty and hateful just because they have newer and better homes then they do. Let’s all try to be neighborly \.
-The Riddler_
Fake Riddler,
Yes, that is the best approach, what great advice. We should all practice be nice and welcoming..
I do wish I had a new home, but alas, I guess I will just have to be satisfied with the one I have. No more sour grapes.
Thanks for the pep talk.
– The Real Riddler –
I agree with you.
Let’s all just be nice and try to get along, what a concept. I for one would like to see that happen.
– The Real Riddler –
Julie, the house at 221 Short street is for sale. It is a much bigger lot than the house you were looking at. Perfect for a bigger house with a much bigger lot. Sharon, since you are so vocal on informing people where they should live, would you let Julie live there?
Thanks Susan, I will check it out. I dont see it on the internet. I need to have more square footage and am not sure if I can deal with all this non-seance to get it done at this point, I am scared that city officials are allowed to act this way. I didnt notice a sign last time I was walking around. I will check it out.
Happy Holidays to you and your family
Sold before it hit the internet, realtor said it was because of the big homes on Iron Age as comps. Isn’t that something. I think it sold the first day
It was just brought to my attention by a friend and neighbor that Shelly Schellenberg has announced that Desanya and I are the creators of “Sprawling Safety Harbor,” and in her typical form has started a character assault and the spreading of lies.
I post and comment regularly on Safety Harbor Connect under my full name. Desanya comments ofter, always identifying herself. Trust me, Shelly Schellenberg, member of the City Code Enforcement board and the the voice of hate, when we have something to say, you know it’s from us.
You truly do not have a clue about the town you claim to protect. You only know anger and hate. It is sad that you, as an attorney, exhibit such a low level of ethics, passing along untrue assumption as facts.
Don’t go away mad; just go away to some sprawling development.