Mayor Steingold will not run for reelection in 2017

Since 2005, Safety Harbor Mayor Andy Steingold has participated in six local elections, seven including his unsuccessful run for Pinellas County circuit court judge in 2012.
As it turned out, eight elections in 12 years was too much for Steingold.
The mayor announced at the conclusion of Monday night’s City Commission meeting that he won’t run for reelection in the city’s upcoming municpial election on March 14, 2017, citing a desire to spend more time with his family, although he did not rule out a return to the political arena in the future.
“A lot of people have been asking me, and I want to go on the record…I have decided not to seek reelection this March,” Steingold said during his Commission Report. “So I won’t be running, and it should be fun watching from the sidelines as the election time heats up.”
“I have been up here since 2005 serving at the privilege of, at the whim of the community,” he continued. “It has been a privilege and an honor, and I’ll save my speech for the night that I’m outgoing. But certainly I have enjoyed every minute of it, even those two o’clock in the morning moments, even a few residents who, I guess, have thrown fire at me. It’s been a great experience and it’s been an honor to serve the citizens of Safety Harbor.”
The news came as somewhat of a surprise, but not a total shock, to those connected to the city’s political scene.
After winning elections for whole or partial commission and/or mayoral terms in 2005, 06, 07, 08, 2011 and 2014, Steingold has spent much of the past decade-plus as a Safety Harbor lawmaker.
Factor in his day job as an attorney with Tampa firm Maney & Gordon, his participation on numerous volunteer boards, plus youth coaching duties, bicycling and other hobbies, and it’s easy to see how the 55-year-old would be ready for a break.
And with former mayor Joe Ayoub, whom Steingold defeated in the 2014 election by less than 100 votes, declaring his candidacy weeks ago, and current City Commission Janet Hooper planning to challenge Ayoub for the mayor’s seat, it promises to be a crowded field with several contentious issues at the forefront of the 2017 mayoral campaign.
But Steingold said it wasn’t a fear of debating the issues or running against a couple of formidable opponents that led to his decision, rather a simple desire to spend more quality time with his three school-aged children.
“I’ve got over 10 years of service to the city of Safety Harbor, and unfortunately, my children have never known me not to be the mayor,” Steingold told Safety Harbor Connect after the meeting. “It really touched my heart recently when I realized two of the three never knew me not to be mayor.”
“So I think it’s time for me to spend some time with my family,” he added. “I’ve had a full plate for many years. However, I will maintain a level of volunteerism with the city and nonprofit organizations. I’m not moving. I’ll maintain an active role in the community.”
Despite his decision to step away, Steingold didn’t rule out a possible return to public office.
“You never know what the future holds,” he said with a slight smile.
“But right now, I’m looking forward to spending more time with my family and taking a break.”
Related content:
- Andy Steingold reelected as mayor of Safety Harbor
- Joe Ayoub to run for mayor of Safety Harbor in 2017
- Campaign season trumps holiday season in Safety Harbor
Thank you for your service Mayor Steingold. You will truly miss giving you a hard time ?
Agree. What a great guy!!
Gary…be careful of opening a business here in Safety Harbor. Especially on Main Street. What other city closes an intersection on a business corridor 20 days before Christmas??? The folks at City Hall really do not care for retail businesses on Main…I suggest opening a professional business of some type instead…or if you prefer to open a retail business check out Oldsmar or Dunedin…much more business friendly!!
Agree. Too many main street closures.
A little grocery on Main would be wonderful,I for one would happily support it.Barbara N.
The upcoming election will boil down to “Smart Growth” vs “Saving Safety Harbor”. As Election Day nears emotions will grow.
My wife and I are having a house built in Safety Harbor and will be moving there soon. We love the quaint nature of downtown and want to see it preserved while at the same time having enough population to keep the merchants prosperous. The empty storefronts do not foretell good days ahead.
I have been thinking that one element to keeping downtown walkable and vibrant at the same time would be a grocery store on Main Street. There are a couple empty storefronts that would be well suited for that.
I will be retiring soon and do not need income from a new grocery store but have been thinking of opening one just for something to do. At the same time I do not wish to pour money into something that will result in another empty storefront. Number crunching has just begun but I would be interested in any thoughts.
Welcome Gary! We would love a market in downtown Safety Harbor. That is what Smart Growth is about. Have all your daily needs within walking distance and preserving the charm while supporting our local businesses in the downtown community. And you are correct, you need the population to support those businesses.
We would certainly support a market on Main St. just as we support most, if not ALL stores, restaurants, etc. in downtown SH. Good luck.
I agree with all of the above writers. Thank you for your years of public service . You will be missed.
Thank you for your years of public service. In a world that seems to be so divided these days it is a hard task being a public servant. You take heat when people do not agree with you but you are not honored when they do agree with you.
Thank you for your service Mayor Steingold. It is not easy running and serving the public. It is so easy for others to be a Monday Morning Quarterback, second guessing every decision. I have not always agreed with your direction but you have served our community and I thank you!
I agree with the previous response. Until you have walked a year in his shoes, you don’t grasp the responsibility of the office. Thank you for your service Mayor Steingold.