SHCC Appoints Four New Planning & Zoning Board Members

The Safety Harbor City Commission appointed four new members to the Planning and Zoning Board last week, but as has been the case with many issues over the last year, the decision was preceded by much discussion and debate.
The terms of regular board members Dean Harmeson, Linda Marshall and Joe Faw, as well as alternate member Anne Lima, expired in March.
Harmeson, Marshall and Lima wished to seek reappoint-ment, while Faw decided not to, according to the City’s documents.

But in choosing who should serve on what is considered to be one of the most influential boards in the City, the newly configured commission opted to go with fresh faces instead of sticking with current members.
“During the discussion on the Charter Review when we were discussing the term limits, we were discussing bringing new people into these boards,” Vice-Mayor Andy Zodrow said during the April 6 Commission meeting. “And I think this is a great example.”
“We have a great list of people who’ve applied…and I’d like to make a motion to appoint to the Planning and Zoning (Board) Robin Fornino, Russell Norman, and Dave Riggle, along with Ray Irvin as an alternate.”

The quick call for a motion, which was seconded by Commissioner Janet Hooper, was met with opposition from other commissioners who had their own ideas as to who should be appointed to the board.
“I think it is a good idea to bring some new blood into the City,” Commissioner Carlos Diaz said while recommending Raoul Schneider, Victor Kurti, Roger Menendez and Scott Long from the list of potential candidates.
“I really believe in reinvigorating the P&Z Board,” he added.
Commissioner Cliff Merz then made his suggestions, a combination of the other recommendations which included Lima, Menendez, and Irvin.
But when Diaz made a motion to appoint Menendez, Long, Fornino and Riggle, the suggestion was shot down by a 2-3 vote, with Mayor Andy Steingold, Zodrow and Hooper casting the “no” votes.

And so it was back to the drawing board, which for the Commission meant going back to square one.
“I like the panel that was mentioned the first time,” Mayor Steingold said, leading Zodrow to call for another vote on his original motion to appoint Fornino, Norman and Riggle, with Irvin as the alternate member.
This time the motion passed, 4-1, with Commissioner Diaz casting the sole opposing vote.
The four newly appointed board members joined Chris Logan, Tammy Vrana, Thomas Tracy and Frank DeLuca for the Planning and Zoning Board’s regularly scheduled meeting two days later on Wednesday, April 8.
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