Officials: Proposed medical building on recently annexed Safety Harbor lot is not happening

When the Safety Harbor City Commission unanimously agreed to annex a six-acre parcel of land near the intersection of State Roads 580 and 590 into the city limits last month, it raised the ire of nearby residents.
However, it wasn’t the actual annexation request that had neighbors on secluded Parrish Lane upset, but a proposal to build a two-story medical building on the site, which is completely covered with trees.
“One of the reasons I purchased my house is because it was not in a subdivision, and another reason was the woods in front of it,” Janice Law, a 20-year resident of Parrish Lane, which runs through the western edge of the property, said during a discussion on Oct. 2.
“You can imagine our concerns over our property values,” she added, noting “we would be looking at a parking lot” if the proposed development is built.
While city officials were receptive to the residents’ concerns, the item ultimately passed by a 5-0 vote, as attorneys for the city and the developer argued the office would be a suitable use for the property should a subsequent rezoning request receive approval.
However, word came down late last week that the tenant was backing out of the deal.
“As of 11am today, Harrod Properties withdrew their application and is not moving forward with the rezone and future land use map application,” City Manager Matt Spoor told Safety Harbor Connect via email, adding, “They indicated that the tenant for the office building changed their minds on the location.”
The sudden reversal highlights the ever-fluctuating business of property development and illustrates how a proposal can go from looking like a done deal to dead on the vine in a short amount of time.
The move means the land is now part of Safety Harbor but will remain vacant, at least for the foreseeable future.
“Our next step will be to work with the property owner to properly zone the property now that it has annexed into the City,” Spoor said.
“Any future development project may need to start the process over, but that is not our concern at the moment.”
Related content:
- Safety Harbor commissioners unanimously approve annexation of SR 590 parcel
- Annexation request causes high anxiety for Safety Harbor homeowners
- SHCC agrees to move forward with development agreement for Main Street mixed-use project
Ed. Note: A previous version of this article stated a three-story building was proposed for the site. It was actually a two-story building.
One of these days the city is going to get sued for denying property owners their right to develop. Grow some balls Mr Spoor, bring some new life to our City!!!