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He Stood You Up: that means he’s not coming


I am sure most of you heard of the book “He’s Just Not That Into You”. Ladies why do we need such book to tell us the “Obvious”. Ok, let’s investigate this more, just recently I was asked by someone to go out on a second date  and they never showed up, called, or text.  Did I really need to read a book to tell me “He’s Just Not That Into Me” or “I’ve Been Stood Up”.

Here is a check lists to help you determine if “He’s Just Not That Into You”…

How often does he call you?
Does he only make plans with you once a week, every two weeks, or once a month?
Does he tell you we need to see other people?
When you are in trouble does he listen to you or just tells you he is busy?
Does he make love to you or are you just a booty call?
Does he call you by your name or refer to you by sweetie, honey, pumpkin?
Does he introduce you as his girlfriend or “just” a friend?
Is he proud to introduce you to his family and friends?

Ladies listen to your intuition and learn to trust it, I knew on the day I was stood up that he’s not going to show up. I told my friend as soon as I got home from work “I don’t know why but I feel I am going to be stood up tonight? You may ask how did I know let me tell you. When he was in Italy and we use to message on facebook I felt him closer to me than when he came back to the state.

The same day we were to go out on our second date he didn’t call or text message that day. I don’t know about you but that was a clear indication to me that I am being stood up.

Susan Makoschad39d77ae46b976c6b3f887ee725e45f-bpfull


    • Amy you are great… thank you for the recognition you are the best… You know how I feel about Safety Harbor… no matter were I go I will always be connected to it…

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