Quick City Commission meeting expected Monday

It should be a quick meeting of the Safety Harbor Commission Monday night, as the agenda includes only two presentations, two final hearings of issues previously approved unanimously and two items of new business, including approval of the city’s annual special events calendar.
Monday’s meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Here is the link to the agenda, with additional material, known as “backup,” available via the hyperlink on each item: http://safetyharbor.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=6&event_id=1679.

Each year, Commission is asked to approve en masse the special events for the following year, though organizations can request approval for new events throughout the year. Commission has previously approved four major events for 2020 so those organizers could begin preparations.
The 2020 calendar includes the return of some favorites, including Bloom N’ Chalk Fest, Beer & Burger Throwdown and Harbor Sounds Fall Art & Music Fest, as well as several 5K races and car shows. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #238, which hosts the Fourth of July Parade, and the Kiwanis Club of Safety Harbor, which hosts the Kiwanis Arts & Craft Show, are requesting a waiver of rental fees for their events.
City staff recommends approval of the calendar and a waiver of rental fees for the Fourth of July parade, as that event is not a fundraiser.
Ordinances or changes to city code require two hearings before the City Commission.
Amending Land Development Code: Commission voted 5-0 on first reading in two votes to approve changes to the city’s Land Development Code to update procedural regulations and fees and to make changes to the city’s sign ordinance regarding temporary signs, which will be limited to four square feet each and no more than five per property, if approved.
3rd Friday Committee appointment: The terms of regular members Darlene Trieste and Spencer Bell and alternate member James Poulter on the committee that advises the city on the monthly 3rd Friday celebrations are expiring. Trieste and Poulter are requesting reappointment, while Bell has moved out of the city. Jeffrey Snyder is the only other resident who has applied to serve.
Troop 135 Eagle Scout project presentation: The city will recognize Eagle Scout Camilo Fonseca and Troop 135 for enhancements made to the Museum & Cultural Center’s outside exhibit center and flagpole, which were done at no cost to the city.
Service award: Glen Eberle, a Streets & Stormwater employee, will be honored for 30 years of service.
Consent agenda: Items expected to have little debate, such as approval of the last meeting’s minutes and most contracts, are included en masse in the consent agenda, though any Commissioner can ask for any item to be considered separately. This meeting’s consent agenda includes approval of replacing carpet at the library, a new pump package for the Cypress Hollow Pump Station and a utility easement at Baranoff Park.
Attend the meeting: The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 750 Main St. Meetings typically run from 1.5 to three hours. Residents are given the opportunity to speak on all agenda items, except for presentations and consent agenda items. Come forward when asked by the mayor, state your name and address, and you’ll be given three minutes to address the Commission. For any issues not on the agenda, or any item that is on the consent agenda, residents get three minutes to speak at the beginning of the meeting during “Audience to be Heard.”
Watch from home: Meetings are live-streamed to the city’s website at http://cityofsafetyharbor.com/557/Streaming-Media. The following day, a video of the meeting is posted for residents to watch.
Contact your Commissioners in advance by leaving them a message at City Hall at (727) 724-1555 or emailing them:
Mayor Joe Ayoub – jayoub@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Vice Mayor Cliff Merz – cmerz@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Commissioner Carlos Diaz – cdiaz@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Commissioner Andy Zodrow – azodrow@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Commissioner Nancy Besore – nbesore@cityofsafetyharbor.com