Commission to create code of conduct for advisory board members

The Safety Harbor City Commission agreed last week to create a code of conduct for civic advisory boards after a code enforcement board member recently faced new accusations of harassment.
In the wake of Diane Bouida’s claims that she has been repeatedly harassed by Shelly Schellenberg and followers of her Facebook page, Saving Safety Harbor, Mayor Andy Steingold said the commission would look into the allegations and decide what, if any, action needed to be taken.
On January 17, the decision was made to come up with a code of conduct for members of certain civic advisory to adhere to, with the commission possessing the power to dismiss anyone that violated the terms of the agreement.
“If we had some guidelines telling us that anybody serving on code enforcement or serving on one of our boards couldn’t go on and couldn’t blog and couldn’t do this and couldn’t do that on Facebook, and apply that to all of our other board members, it would certainly make our lives easier,” Mayor Steingold said, noting he had spoken with Schellenberg since the earlier meeting.
“But I just don’t think it comes down to the City Commission to move forward and make decisions based upon Facebook blogging. I don’t think it’s up to us to police Facebook.”
Steingold went on to say he doesn’t condone the harassment of any resident of Safety Harbor, neither online nor in person, but he noted he was not able to find one instance of Schellenberg directly confronting Bouida, or any other resident for that matter.
“I’m not quite sure that I understand the allegations, other than the allegations of bullying on Facebook,” he said. “I know there’s not been a specific face-to-face confrontation.”
After Steingold noted these types of issues always seem to crop up during an election year, Commissioner Diaz, who is running for reelection, took offense before explaining his position in calling for a review of Schellenberg’s behavior.
“If this was about politics, the best political advisor would say for me not to say anything,” Diaz said. “But how can I sit here as an elected official and hear somebody stand up and talk about how they’re being harassed?”
“I can’t do that. I cannot do that. And I don’t think it’s right,” he added. “Us, as commissioners here, we have to promote a proper culture to represent the city.”
Following more discussion, Commissioner Cliff Merz suggested using aspects of the city of Tampa’s code of conduct policy.
“I know we can’t police everything, but looking at our code of conduct, it doesn’t stress the importance of what we are expecting the people that are on the boards to project,” Merz said.
“And if we have it in there, it might be easier to say that this post or this issue is a clear violation of something. Because…we don’t have anything like that, and it makes it difficult to be able to justify that.”
Eventually, the mayor opened the discussion to the public, where Boudia and Schellenberg each accused the other of instigating the Facebook feud.
“I don’t know this woman, I’ve never met her, and I want to know why she took my name and put it on the internet and baited me,” Boudia, who has yet to officially move into her home on Iron Age Street, said.
“I don’t know this person, she’s on a board, and I want to know why she took my name and did this.”
Schellenberg, who was appointed by the Commissioners to the CEB in 2012 and re-appointed last year, then had a brief opportunity to respond to years of allegations.
“First of all, Diane is correct,” Schellenberg said. “We’ve never met each other. I don’t know her. She doesn’t know me. We’ve never had a conversation. The first time I ever knew Diane even existed was when she posted on my Facebook page as Diane Castillo.”
Schellenberg went to explain how a photo of an owl led to a back-and-forth on Facebook between Saving Safety Harbor followers and Bouida, who was using her maiden name, Castillo, on social media, before Steingold cut her off because she had exceeded the three-minute response time limit.
Shortly thereafter, Steingold instructed the City Manager and City Attorney to come up with a set of guidelines that would constitute a code of ethics that every civic board member would have to sign and abide by.
“I’d like to have that done for the next meeting,” Steingold said.
Following the meeting, the mayor expanded on the commission’s decision.
“What we did tonight was create a situation so boards will have to have the commission appoint residents who don’t convey biased opinions, which I think is fitting and appropriate,” Steingold told Safety Harbor Connect.
When asked what would happen to Schellenberg’s Facebook page should the new guidelines be put into effect at the next meeting, the mayor didn’t hesitate.
“If we passed it today, if it were on the books today, Ms. Schellenberg could continue to blog,” he said. “But if she expressed bias, she would be removed.”
“If a rule is the rule and we can identify your biased opinions, you shouldn’t be serving. Period. Period. They have to be unbiased.”
In response to an email request for comment, Schellenberg had this to say about the matter.
“The commission has always had the power to remove anyone they don’t like from every board,” she wrote. “It doesn’t matter whether that person is highly qualified and has done a good job; they may be removed for no cause, or good cause or under limited circumstances, even for bad cause.”
As for the allegations levied against her, Schellenberg replied “I have never approached a resident anywhere nor stated that I was from code enforcement, nor filed or suggested that I would file a code violation against them. Yet, Carlos Diaz made this claim and called me a Gestapo.”
“Carlos’ actions are dispicable (sic) as a sitting commissioner, yet no move has been made to reprimand him for abusing his postion (sp), and the commission should explain why,” she added. “It is not possible to “un-ring” the bell of defamation that has been repeatedly struck by this irresponsible commissioner.”
When asked if she felt if she had enough time to respond to the issue during the meeting, Schellenberg was blunt.
“I was permitted only 3 minutes to rebut several attacks after the commission instructed me to come to the meeting to present my side of the matter,” she wrote. “I was not just a member of the audience who wanted to toss their 2 cents into the discussion, but rather the topic of discussion. Due process requires a full and fair hearing, but this was not provided, leaving many baseless accusations unanswered.”
As to the question of what she will do about Saving Safety Harbor if a code of ethics come was enacted, Schellenberg was emphatic that the controversial Facebook page is not going anywhere anytime soon.
“Clearly, removing me from a volunteer board does not mean that Saving Safety Harbor will cease to exist, as Saving Safety Harbor f/b will continue to promote the preservation of our community and protection of our environment,” Schellenberg said.
“I will let you know of my decision about the code of conduct, after I have seen it and had an opportunity to consider the terms,” she continued. “In the meanwhile, Saving Safety Harbor serves the community by presenting new or opposing views about matters of public concern and will continue to do so.”
Safety Harbor Connect reached out to Bouida for comment, but she said she would rather not discuss the topic anymore.
Related content:
- Safety Harbor board member accused of harassing behavior again
- Spat between city officials continues to simmer
- Residents, officials square off over the future of Safety Harbor
OMG this is the same woman I saw at the grocery store 5 years ago. She was much shorter and had red hair but this was probely just a desguys. She was buying bananas and so I followed her to the checkout where she gave me the evil eye. I swear, ever since bad stuff has been happening to me. I was fired from were I worked and after that I got skin hives. I no this was her and every time I turn around I see someone who looks exactly just like her. I would swear on a stack of bibles that this is true.
All voters should know that Candidate Hooper accepted a $500.00 campaign contribution from Shelly’s husband David Riggle.
Hi Mike,
Yes, Janet did receive a donation from David Rggle. However, if you look further down on her campaign expense report, you will see that she returned that money back to him. It is listed under the Expenses portion of her report.
Thank you!
You are correct. Now I see that. The point I am trying to make is that all City Officials should be required to disclose any past campaign contributions received from potential appointees to City Boards that serve at the pleasure of the commission when they are considered for appointments. Thanks for the clarificatiion
Left out from the Mayor’s “investigation”, is that the issue of bullying was hidden by removing/deleting comments and blocking people from pages.
Promote Shelly Schellenberg to private citizen!
I’ve lived in Safety Harbor for 30+ years, and am deeply saddened that citizen interactions are now so ugly. What a shame for what was once a lovely and friendly community.
As for the allegations levied against her, Schellenberg replied “I have never approached a resident anywhere nor stated that I was from code enforcement, nor filed or suggested that I would file a code violation against them. Yet, Carlos Diaz made this claim and called me a Gestapo.”
Shelley is flat out lying. She did indeed introduce herself to me and my husband February 2014 on our driveway. She was handing out flyers protesting removing trees and the new 2nd Street South townhomes being built. After we disagreed about the new townhomes and said we welcome them and the new neighbors, her facial expression drastically changed and she said “Do you know who I am?” We both said no and her response was “Shelley Schellenberg, Code Enforcement”. Not Shelley your neighbor a few blocks over, not Shelley Schellenberg, on the board of Code Enforcement. Who does that???? We both felt that was a threat, not an introduction and she knew where we lived. We decided to send an email to Matt Spoor to let him know what happened. Matt immediately emailed back and explained she was not the city employee for Code Enforcement but was on the board and he would address this with the city and the city commissioners. We thought nothing more and felt it would be handled and put it behind us until we started getting visits from Joe Young, City Code Enforcement for a sign that had been up for 2 years, tree police, barking dogs, and issues with our alley property line and fence. All within one year. Coincidence? Don’t believe in them. We sent another email in 2015 to Matt Spoor, the Mayor and current City Commissioners. Two of the commissioners sent us an email back with their apologies and said this is not behavior they look for in a board member. We met with Mayor Steingold in person, again nothing changed, just a warning. This has been going on since 2014 and probably longer since we were told we were not the first who had a similar situation with Shelley.
I will be happy to take and pay for a lie detector test and sign an affidavit to stop all this nonsense. No one should ever feel retribution from a city APPOINTED Board Member – NO ONE!
Desanya, The “flyer” that Bob and I were handing out was a campaign flyer for Andy Steingold, not a “protest” flyer. You re-embroider this story every time you re-tell it. Perhaps you are not able to remember which version you told last. All of the (former) commissioners and Mayor Steingold knew that the story you tell is false. This is why Carlos was not able to get another commissioner to support his efforts to kick me off. Is it true that a pathological liar can melt down a polygraph machine? We are still waiting for the results of your lie detector test. You have forgotten that there were two other witnesses there. The following email was sent to all of the commissioners in 2015, and they did their own investigation.
NOTE THE DATE January 2015
Subject: RE: Desanya Daly
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:53:02 -0500
Please disseminate this to ALL parties who have been copied on any emails concerning this matter, including the attorneys involved, and especially Attorney Nate, who will be addressing the Code Enforcement Board this evening.
Let me begin by telling you all that I have never received a copy of the email that Desanya Daly sent last February until today at 2:30 pm.
However; I recall the incident clearly. I was helping a neighbor (Bob Hempel) pass out campaign brochures and he handed one to a man on the street. The man was with a woman and some dogs on the street. What started as a friendly chat about development in Safety Harbor disintegrated when the woman said to us, “If you are so concerned about the city, why don’t you volunteer on a committee, like my husband does, on the Museum Committee?”
I had no idea who she or her husband was, but my response was: “Yes, we both volunteer. Bob (Hempel) teaches kids to read, and I volunteer on the Code Enforcement Board.”
Upon hearing the words: “Code Enforcement” the woman flew into a rage, and very loudly informed me that:
1. She was furious that she had to ask for a variance for her carport, that she should not have had to get this variance.
2. “It’s all about money here in Safety Harbor”.
3. That “you people” are just jealous because “you can’t afford to buy a big house”.
I told her that
1. Code Enforcement has nothing to do with variances, and
2. that I had no knowledge of her carport or her variance, and
3. that she doesn’t know anything about me.
Bob apparently already knew her, and he just walked away. She was clearly agitated, and after a few moments, I walked away as well.
Bob and I split up, and I went one way and he went another. Bob later informed me that she came “looking for us” again later, and found Bob. She continued to “give him a piece of her mind”. I did not know her name until Bob told me later that evening.
Months went by without incident, but about 4 or 5 months later, at about 9:30 at night, I was in my living room when I heard a commotion outside. Someone was yelling in front of my house. Believing that it must be a neighbor, I stepped outside, and although it was dark, I could hear a woman yelling my name. I asked, “who are you”?, and she answered Desi Daly. I asked “what do you want”? She began yelling again, that she “saw me drive by her house and give her the finger”. Not (immediately) remembering who Desi Daly was, I said I don’t even know where you live. She gave her address, and repeated that she SAW me giving her the finger. I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about. She again yelled that she SAW me because she has a security system.
That’s when said: “Desi, I think you have a mental problem”, and I went back inside my house.
The very next day, Desi came to my house AGAIN, at around 10:00, she came up to the front door and rang the bell. My husband answered the door, and she asked if I was home. My husband stated “no, she’s at work”. Desi did not say anything more and left.
It is clear that there is someone here in Safety Harbor that doesn’t like Desi Daly, but I do not do “drive – by – bird- flipping” to Desi or anyone else.
As for her alley, I heard about her attempt to have her neighbor’s bushes pulled out and saw a posting on a friends’ facebook page, and maybe this is what has triggered her new complaints about me. I really don’t know. I have nothing to do with the alley that she shares with her neighbors, although I AM sympathetic to her neighbors.
I have been accused by Commissioner Diaz of “trespassing and harassment” two unlawful activities. He has called me a “Gestapo”. Apparently, based solely on this woman’s year-old email, that has suddenly resurfaced. The email is not credible, and has no basis in fact.
But, Carlos Diaz is fervent in his goal to “kick her off” the code enforcement board.
Isn’t it odd that Carlos is so hell-bent on “kicking me off” when an election is coming up?
Isn’t it odd that Carlos doesn’t want to find out the facts?
Is it simply coincidental that Carlos (and Desi) don’t like my political views?
I think not. It is simply a political move.
I have served on several advisory boards throughout my career. I was the chairman of the Grievance/Ethics committee for the Board of Realtors and served for several years on Professional Standards, and on the Board of Directors. I have held numerous licenses, registrations, and certifications in the medical field, as well as holding a broker’s license and a builder’s license for nearly 30 years. I have practiced law for 8 years, and in more than 40 years, I have never had a complaint against any of my professional licenses.
But Carlos would have you believe that I am “trespassing and harassing” people. Serious allegations for sure, but simply not true.
I don’t know who-all received the original email, or whatever she sent recently, but the Code Enforcement Board should not be denigrated by her false claims against me.
Shelly Schellenberg
Desanya Daly, every time you tell this story, you embroider it differently because you can’t remember what version you told before. But, we are waiting for the results of your lie detector test! The reason that Carlos Diaz could not get another commissioner to join in his efforts to oust me from the CE Board, is because the other commissioners all knew that your story is false. They did their own investigation, and apparently you forgot that there was another witness to that conversation. The following email was sent to the commission in 2015, more than 2 years ago. Your lies have caught up with you..but you are sure to keep us posted about your detector results?
NOTE THE DATE January 2015
Subject: RE: Desanya Daly
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 15:53:02 -0500
Please disseminate this to ALL parties who have been copied on any emails concerning this matter, including the attorneys involved, and especially Attorney Nate, who will be addressing the Code Enforcement Board this evening.
Let me begin by telling you all that I have never received a copy of the email that Desanya Daly sent last February until today at 2:30 pm.
However; I recall the incident clearly. I was helping a neighbor (Bob Hempel) pass out campaign brochures and he handed one to a man on the street. The man was with a woman and some dogs on the street. What started as a friendly chat about development in Safety Harbor disintegrated when the woman said to us, “If you are so concerned about the city, why don’t you volunteer on a committee, like my husband does, on the Museum Committee?”
I had no idea who she or her husband was, but my response was: “Yes, we both volunteer. Bob (Hempel) teaches kids to read, and I volunteer on the Code Enforcement Board.”
Upon hearing the words: “Code Enforcement” the woman flew into a rage, and very loudly informed me that:
1. She was furious that she had to ask for a variance for her carport, that she should not have had to get this variance.
2. “It’s all about money here in Safety Harbor”.
3. That “you people” are just jealous because “you can’t afford to buy a big house”.
I told her that
1. Code Enforcement has nothing to do with variances, and
2. that I had no knowledge of her carport or her variance, and
3. that she doesn’t know anything about me.
Bob apparently already knew her, and he just walked away. She was clearly agitated, and after a few moments, I walked away as well.
Bob and I split up, and I went one way and he went another. Bob later informed me that she came “looking for us” again later, and found Bob. She continued to “give him a piece of her mind”. I did not know her name until Bob told me later that evening.
Months went by without incident, but about 4 or 5 months later, at about 9:30 at night, I was in my living room when I heard a commotion outside. Someone was yelling in front of my house. Believing that it must be a neighbor, I stepped outside, and although it was dark, I could hear a woman yelling my name. I asked, “who are you”?, and she answered Desi Daly. I asked “what do you want”? She began yelling again, that she “saw me drive by her house and give her the finger”. Not (immediately) remembering who Desi Daly was, I said I don’t even know where you live. She gave her address, and repeated that she SAW me giving her the finger. I told her that I had no idea what she was talking about. She again yelled that she SAW me because she has a security system.
That’s when said: “Desi, I think you have a mental problem”, and I went back inside my house.
The very next day, Desi came to my house AGAIN, at around 10:00, she came up to the front door and rang the bell. My husband answered the door, and she asked if I was home. My husband stated “no, she’s at work”. Desi did not say anything more and left.
It is clear that there is someone here in Safety Harbor that doesn’t like Desi Daly, but I do not do “drive – by – bird- flipping” to Desi or anyone else.
As for her alley, I heard about her attempt to have her neighbor’s bushes pulled out and saw a posting on a friends’ facebook page, and maybe this is what has triggered her new complaints about me. I really don’t know. I have nothing to do with the alley that she shares with her neighbors, although I AM sympathetic to her neighbors.
I have been accused by Commissioner Diaz of “trespassing and harassment” two unlawful activities. He has called me a “Gestapo”. Apparently, based solely on this woman’s year-old email, that has suddenly resurfaced. The email is not credible, and has no basis in fact.
But, Carlos Diaz is fervent in his goal to “kick her off” the code enforcement board.
Isn’t it odd that Carlos is so hell-bent on “kicking me off” when an election is coming up?
Isn’t it odd that Carlos doesn’t want to find out the facts?
Is it simply coincidental that Carlos (and Desi) don’t like my political views?
I think not. It is simply a political move.
I have served on several advisory boards throughout my career. I was the chairman of the Grievance/Ethics committee for the Board of Realtors and served for several years on Professional Standards, and on the Board of Directors. I have held numerous licenses, registrations, and certifications in the medical field, as well as holding a broker’s license and a builder’s license for nearly 30 years. I have practiced law for 8 years, and in more than 40 years, I have never had a complaint against any of my professional licenses.
But Carlos would have you believe that I am “trespassing and harassing” people. Serious allegations for sure, but simply not true.
I don’t know who-all received the original email, or whatever she sent recently, but the Code Enforcement Board should not be denigrated by her false claims against me.
Shelly Schellenberg