Ayoub and Diaz to be sworn-in at virtual Commission meeting

After cancelling the April 6 meeting because of social distancing restrictions, the Safety Harbor City Commission will be back in session Monday night, albeit virtually.
Monday’s meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Here is the link to the agenda, with additional material, known as “backup,” available via the hyperlink on each item: https://safetyharbor.granicus.com/GeneratedAgendaViewer.php?view_id=6&event_id=1794.
Because of shelter in place regulations, Monday’s meeting will be conducted via the Zoom application that many residents are using more and more during the coronavirus crisis. Residents can watch or listen to the meeting in these ways:
- Web Browser: Go to https://zoom.us/j/202417489 and enter Meeting ID # 202 417 489.
- Mobile Phone: Download the Zoom app from the Apple Store or Google Play and enter the meeting ID number.
- Phone: Call in to the meeting by dialing toll-free 1-877-853-5257.

Residents can participate as normal during individual agenda items or the Audience to be Heard portion at the beginning of the meeting for items not on the agenda or items on the consent agenda. Residents have three choices on how to participate:
- Email: Send your comments to pcomment@cityofsafetyharbor.com prior to the meeting. Emails of 500 words or fewer will be read during the meeting, with longer emails not read but distributed to Commissioners.
- Mail: Mail your comments to City Clerk, Attn: Public Comment, 750 Main St, Safety Harbor, FL 34695. Letters of 500 words or fewer will be read during the meeting, with longer emails not read but distributed to Commissioners. Also note that mailed comments must be received by Monday to be included in Monday’s meeting.
- “Live:” Residents watching or listening to the meeting can press *9 on their telephone or click on the “Raise Hand” icon on the Zoom app or in their web browser and wait to be recognized by Mayor Joe Ayoub.

The meeting will include the typical ceremonies conducted at the first meeting after a city election, with Ayoub and Commissioner Carlos Diaz, who were re-elected, being sworn-in and Ayoub choosing a Commissioner to serve as Vice Mayor for the year, but also will have four other agenda items, including one to approve use of media technology to conduct Commission and advisory board meetings and an extension of the city’s State of Emergency, which Commission approved unanimously in an abbreviated meeting on March 16
Typographical error in Harbour Point West final plat: Commission approved the final plat for a mixed use development called Harbour Point West at its March 2 meeting, but a typographical error concerning the owner’s name has since been discovered in the resolution, and Commission will be asked to approve the correction.
Code Enforcement lien reduction request: Brittany Ecker is requesting a reduction of a Code Enforcement lien on a single-family home property at 3 Octavia Way from $6,783.73 to $425, covering administrative and filing costs. City staff recommends the 100 percent reduction because the infractions were minor.
Approval of contract for building inspection services: The city’s building official resigned on Feb. 29, and Commission will be asked to approve a contract with Quorum Services LLC to handle those duties until a new official can be hired.
Code Enforcement Board appointments: The terms of Liz-Ambler Conkle, Damon Lister and Gisela Bennie on the board that hears Code Enforcement complaints are expiring and all wish to be reappointed. Applications also have been received from Scott Hood and Jacob Burnett.
Consent agenda: Items expected to have little debate, such as approval of the last meeting’s minutes and most contracts, are included en masse in the consent agenda, though any Commissioner can ask for any item to be considered separately. This meeting’s consent agenda includes approval of a health partner location agreement, a contract for Lincoln Highlands sidewalk and curb repairs and replacements, an amendment to the city’s agreement with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office to provide law enforcement services and an interlocal agreement with Pinellas County for water quality monitoring.
Attend the meeting: The meeting starts at 7 p.m. via the Zoom application.Meetings typically run from 1.5 to three hours. Residents are given the opportunity to speak on all agenda items, except for presentations and consent agenda items. Follow the instructions included above to comment, have your comments read or be distributed to Commissions prior to the meeting.
Contact your Commissioners in advance by emailing them. (City Hall is currently closed because of the coronavirus):
Mayor Joe Ayoub – jayoub@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Vice Mayor Cliff Merz – cmerz@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Commissioner Carlos Diaz – cdiaz@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Commissioner Andy Zodrow – azodrow@cityofsafetyharbor.com
Commissioner Nancy Besore – nbesore@cityofsafetyharbor.com