“Breaking news at the top of the hour!” And the bad news begins. The latest bombing, shooting, hate crime, weather disaster. We react with fear, anxiety, anger, Read more...
Author: Amy Bryant
On April 7, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, two Black Representatives, were voted out of the Tennessee House of Representatives following their protest favoring gun control, and Read more...
I led the way, my friend Jill trailing behind me as we breached the sanctity of my parents’ bedroom. Tiptoeing to the bed, I pulled back the Read more...
Seated in the living room for a holiday party, we turned as Mr. Handy, blind since the age of seventy, entered the room, escorted on the arm Read more...
Happy Birthday, Dr. King. I honor you with your words, that are still timely in 2023. I have a dream that my four little children will one Read more...
For over two years, I dodged the bullet, but Covid finally caught up with me. Suitcase was all packed in readiness for a family Christmas. My daughter Read more...
Anti-Semitism: Resurgence in America As we enter the holy seasons of Hannukah and Christmas, I am appalled and hurt by the rise of anti-Semitism in our country. Read more...
I was awakened by the sound of my father’s voice blaring through my window, interrupting my Saturday morning sleep-in. My father was a dignified gentleman, not given Read more...
Seated at a table, colorful sails overhead, Waterfront Park, Safety Harbor. Enjoying peaceful respite with a friend. We’ve completed our walk.To our right, the popping of a Read more...
The expanse of my backyard, second story perspective in the treetops, blue sky peeking through. Where are we headed? Humanity at a crossroads, at least in this Read more...