Safety Harbor DBA Selling $50.00 Loyalty Cards For Customers

The Safety Harbor Downtown Business Alliance is selling loyalty cards that will allow customers to receive numerous discounts from participating Safety Harbor merchants.
The cards, which can be purchased through the SHDBA’s website, cost $50.00 for the customer and are valid for one year.
According to Steve Orlando, the owner of Cafe Orlando who founded the organization earlier this year, any Safety Harbor business owners who wish to join the program will be under no financial obligation to participate.
“The cards are for customers all across the country,” Orlando explained. “For $50.00 a year they become members of the SHDBA, and that entitles them to discounts from merchants who are signed up.”
“There is no commitment or cost to the merchants, either,” he added. “They can customize the deals to fit their needs, and we will keep tabs on everything.”
Orlando, who has owned his downtown cafe for more than two years, has been making a concerted effort to bring more out-of-town traffic to Safety Harbor in order to boost business for local merchants.
He founded the SHDBA with the sole purpose of uniting business owners and creating a comfortable, unified environment for visitors to eat, shop and play.

“The whole objective is to get people from out of town to spend money in Safety Harbor,” he recently told Safety Harbor Connect. “That’s what we’re hoping to do.”
In addition to the discounts for customers and no-cost commitment from merchants, Orlando plans to donate a “significant percentage” of the proceeds from the cards to charity.
“We will donate most of the proceeds, up to ninety percent, to charities such as the Bacchus for Charities Foundation,” he said, citing an organization he recently partnered with for an event at the cafe.
At least one other merchant-centric group in town is supportive of the SHDBA’s efforts.
Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce president Susan Peterson recently praised Orlando for what he is trying to do for the business community.
“We think what Steve is doing with the alliance is terrific,” Peterson told Safety Harbor Connect last week.
“He has been working with the chamber in reaching out to merchants, and we have been fully supportive of his efforts, as we are with all the organizations that are trying to help local businesses succeed.”

For his part Orlando recognizes that getting everyone on the same page can be a daunting task in a town filled with so many varied businesses.
But he firmly believes the SHDBA will be able to unite merchants for the greater good of Safety Harbor.
“This isn’t about making money for Cafe Orlando,” he said. “It’s about benefitting as many people, businesses and organizations as possible.”
“It really is a win-win situation for everyone.”
To purchase a loyalty card from the Safety Harbor Downtown Business Alliance, visit the organization’s website at, or call 727-723-1116.