Safety Harbor Commission honors Mary Lynda Williams

In a very short meeting Monday night, the Safety Harbor City Commission paid tribute to former Commissioner Mary Lynda Williams, who died at home on May 20.
“I just wanted to acknowledge the enthusiasm with which Commissioner Williams served, and the joy she found in serving the people of Safety Harbor,” Commissioner Nancy Besore said. “I miss her.”

Mayor Joe Ayoub added, “I would like to give my condolences to the family of Mary Lynda Williams. She served this city well and honorably. I did have the opportunity to serve with her, and she brought a good perspective to the city. She’ll be missed.”
Williams, 70, was Commissioner from 2008-2012, serving as Vice Mayor from 2008-2009, and also had been a president of the Friends of the Library. She is survived by two brothers, five step-children, nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A graveside service will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center, of which Williams was a huge supporter.
CS/HB 1159 opposition resolution: Commission voted 4-0, with Commissioner Andy Zodrow absent and excused, in favor of a resolution urging Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto CS/HB 1159, which would restrict cities from requiring permits or fees from residents who want to trim or remove “dangerous” trees from their property if homeowners have a statement from an arborist or landscape architect saying the tree should be removed, restrict cities from requiring that trees be replanted and removes a requirement that utility companies get approval before trimming trees in right-of-ways.
Watch the video of the regular City Commission meeting it on the city’s website here:
7 p.m., Monday, June 17, preceded by a Budget Workshop at 6 p.m.