Safety Harbor City Commission Meets Tonight

The Safety Harbor City Commission will hold its regularly scheduled bi-monthly meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m., and despite the absence of any hot-button items on the agenda, there are still a number of issues that should be of importance to residents.
One such item is an update on the city’s revamped sanitation and recycling program, known as the “1-1-1” system.
First implemented last fall, the 1-1-1 system streamlined the collection and disposal process for regular trash, recyclable materials and yard waste for all Safety Harbor residents.
Many people have considered the program a success for simplifying the pickup system while simultaneously reducing trips to the Pinellas County landfill, thus saving money, while others have decried the plan for its single-day pickups for regular trash.
During tonight’s meeting, Safety Harbor Public Works director Ray Boler will present an update of the 1-1-1 system as it stands today, six months into the program.
Other items on the agenda include public hearings on a couple of proposed changes to city ordinances as well as a presentation of the outstanding city employee for Spring 2014 and the naming of the beneficiaries for this year’s Wine Festival.
Visit the City of Safety Harbor website to view the entire agenda for the May 19, 2014 City Commission meeting.
The Safety Harbor City Commission meets at City Hall, located at 750 Main Street in downtown Safety Harbor, at 7:30 p.m.