Safety Harbor City Commission honors employees

In a night that was light on meaty issues and heavy on celebrations, the Safety Harbor City Commission on Monday honored an Eagle Scout candidate and two employees, including Leisure Services Director Andrea Norwood, for their lengthy service to the city.
Camilo Fonseca, with the help of fellow Troop 135 Scouts, completed enhancements to the Safety Harbor Museum & Cultural Center’s outside exhibit center and flagpole at no cost to the city, and Glen Eberle, a Streets & Stormwater employee, was honored for 30 years of service.

The video and proclamation for Norwood was not on the agenda, as City Manager Matthew Spoor had wanted to surprise her, only to find out that she had seen a text he had sent her husband, inviting him and her family to attend the meeting. Mayor Joe Ayoub thanked her for her 25 years, and wished her well on her next 25 years of service to the city, to which Norwood spurred plenty of laughs when she told him she has no plans to work another 25 years.
Commission voted 5-0 to approve the 2020 special events calendar for the city, which includes the return of some favorites, including Bloom N’ Chalk Fest, Beer & Burger Throwdown and Harbor Sounds Fall Art & Music Fest, as well as some other big events previously approved by Commission.
Commission also voted 5-0 to approve a request from the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #238 for a waiver of the rental fees for Main Street for the annual Fourth Of July parade, as that event is not a fundraiser, but denied a similar request from Kiwanis Club of Safety Harbor for its December 2020 Kiwanis Arts & Craft Show.
Amending Land Development Code: Commission voted 5-0 on second and final reading in two votes to approve changes to the city’s Land Development Code to update procedural regulations and fees and to make changes to the city’s sign ordinance regarding temporary signs, which will be limited to four square feet each and no more than five per property, if approved.
3rd Friday Committee appointment: Commission voted 5-0 to reappoint Darlene Trieste, to elevate alternate James Poulter to a full member and to appoint Jeffrey Snyder as the new alternate.
Watch the video of it on the city’s website here:
7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4.