Main Street Denizens Receive Mayor’s Award of Excellence

During Monday night’s Safety Harbor City Commission meeting, Franklin and Manuela Clark and Steve and Kelli Chickos were recognized as the latest recipients of the Mayor’s Award of Excellence.
The award is presented twice a year in recognition of beautification efforts of commercial and residential properties.
During the presentation, Safety Harbor Mayor Joe Ayoub read from a proclamation praising the winning properties and their owners.
“404 Main Street now has a totally different look,” he said. “The owner has remodeled, painted, installed new windows, and new signage. Main Street has been brightened by their efforts. This award is presented to the Franklin D. Clark family for the considerable work done to beautify Safety Harbor.”
Clark, who operates a financial planning business and a boutique at the location, was quick to praise his father for the award.
“I wanted to go on record and thank my father, who not only had the vision of making that a different building but also foot the bill,” he said.

On the residential side, the mayor lauded the Chickos’ for the incredible improvements they made to their property at the corner of Main Street and 10th Avenue North.
“This period’s winner is a home in Safety Harbor that has been transformed into a eye-catching show stopper for all time,” Ayoub said. “The award goes to Steve and Kelli Chickos for the considerable improvements and for the beautification of Safety Harbor.”
After receiving the award, the couple was asked if they plan to decorate it for Christmas and other holidays.
“Yeah, I guess the pressure’s on now!” Kelli Chickos joked.

– City Commission Names Mayor’s Award of Excellence Winners