Library Announces Six Words ™ Contest

The Safety Harbor Public Library announces a Six Words ™ Contest. Six Words ™ from Smith Magazine, is a process of writing six words in a simple, creative way. Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to tell a story in just six words. They were: “For Sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
For our Six Words ™ contest, we want your Six Words ™ about Florida, the beautiful, diverse, but slightly strange state we live in. An example: Florida, It’s a flip flop life or August in Florida, summer on steroids. Six simple words about what Florida means to you. Be creative, silly, emotional, crazy, real… we want to hear from you! It’s only six words, but there are lots of life in them.
Rules are simple. The contest is open from March 1 through April 1. Limit two entries per person. Email your Six Words to and include Six Words in the subject line and your name, address, and telephone number and your one or two best Six Words ™ about Florida. Prizes are: First Place $66, Second Place $36, and Third Place $26, plus the chance for bragging rights. There are no releases to sign, we just want your Six Words ™! Contest open to all ages. Winners will be announced at the Key Lime Pie Fiesta on April 14.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Safety Harbor Public Library. For more information, visit, contact the library, 727-724-1525, ext. 4106, or email Visit for more information on Six Words ™.