Help Preserve Safety Harbor History

The Safety Harbor Public Library is seeking historical photos of our City for digital preservation. We are looking for photos with historical significance specifically the downtown area including buildings, homes, businesses, and individuals noteworthy to Safety Harbor history prior to 1985. For a full list of sought after topics, please visit the library website.
We will scan and digitize your historical Safety Harbor photographs and provide you with high quality digital images. Selected photos will be added to our digital history collection, accessible online at and may be used in materials created to celebrate Safety Harbor’s 2017 Centennial.
Photos can be dropped off at the library or mailed to: Safety Harbor Public Library – Attn: Local History, 101 2nd St N, Safety Harbor, FL 34695. A signed waiver is required and can be found online at All photos will be returned to the owner, along with a digitized image. We cannot accept personal photos without historic significance or digitize personal collections.
For more information please contact Jarrett Trezzo at or call 727-724-1525 x 4112.