Coffee House Benefit for Historical Marker Project

Safety Harbor has some of charmingly quaint and historically significant architecture that is the focal point of a new project aimed to highlight these beauties. In preparation for our City’s centennial, the Museum and Historical Society have initiated the installation of 20 markers identifying some of these illustrious historical buildings. As a fundraiser for this project they’ll be hosting an old-fashioned coffee house downtown at the Safety Harbor Presbyterian Church on Saturday, 17 October from 6:30pm to 10pm.
The 93 year-old Church was selected to be one of the ten sites where markers will be placed this year, with another ten markers planned for next year. The Coffee House is expected to be a big event and the group’s main 2015 fundraiser. At 6:30pm will be the unveiling of the Church’s beautiful historical marker featuring a picture of the original building, followed by a reception at 7:30pm with live music by Jeff Jones and Friends, and then an open mic from 8:30pm to 10pm. Those interested in performing for the open mic should call 727-724-1562 to sign up for stage time. Suggested donations are requested at $10 per person, and concessions will be available for purchase.
Located at 255 Fifth Ave S, the Safety Harbor Presbyterian Church is also planning a special Homecoming Celebration in honor of the installation of their marker. They’re asking for those in town in possession of photos or other items of historical significance to the church who are willing to share to contact the church office at 727-726-2014 or email Items can be donated or returned to their owners after the event. Their hope is that former members and friends from previous times along with current members and those interested in making new friends will join them in attending the fundraiser and celebrating their beautiful historical building. Sounds like a fun event, and a wonderful way to enjoy the past while looking forward to a bright future!
~written by Barbara Ulmer, Safety Harbor resident blogger
Great that this is being announced early!! I’ll definitely be there.
Thanks, Jeff.
Thanks be to Barb!