City Recognizes Safety Harbor Centenarian

Jeanne Frymire, a longtime Safety Harbor resident who celebrated her 100th birthday on January 6, was honored for reaching her remarkable milestone with a special proclamation from the City Commission Monday night.
Mayor Joe Ayoub read the proclamation to Frymire, who brought about a dozen family members and friends to the meeting. The document read, in part:
“Miss Frymire was born 100 years ago today, on January 6, 1914 in Atlantic City, New Jersey and currently resides in Amber Glades in Safety Harbor, Florida.”
“Miss Frymire was born on the same day that the stock brokerage firm Merrill Lynch was founded…and in the same year the Panama Canal opened, the first stone of the Lincoln Memorial was put into place, the US Congress established Mother’s Day, World War I began, and gasoline cost just $0.22 per gallon.”
It was here that Miss Frymire displayed her still-sharp wit, as she replied to the gasoline comment by saying, “It was less than that!”, which brought a big laugh from everyone in attendance.
Ayoub continued: “Miss Frymire is the editor of the Amber Glades newsletter and is the secretary for the social committee. She continues to stay busy as a member of the newcomers club, all the while maintaining her driver’s license. She is also a parishioner at Espitiru Santo Catholic Church…and prepares lunches for neighbors every few weeks.”
“It is said that Miss Frymire likes to have beer on tap, which she attributed to her longevity! Therefore I, Joe Ayoub, as the Mayor of Safety Harbor, declare January 6, 2014, as Jeanne Frymnire Day in the City of Safety Harbor.”
Miss Frymire then took to the podium to offer her unique perspective on receiving the honor.
“I would like to thank the City of Safety Harbor for bestowing this honor on me,” she said. “But I wish it were some other accomplishment rather than just growing old!”
“If I’d written a great book or made some scientific discovery, I might feel that I earned it. But as it is, it’s a very dubious honor. But thank you anyway.”