2017 Safety Harbor election candidate profile: Janet Hooper

2017 Safety Harbor election candidate profile: Janet Hooper (Mayor):
- Name: Janet Hooper
- Age: 66
- Place of birth: Detroit
- Moved to Florida: 2004/Safety Harbor 2014
- Professional Background: Profile: An accomplished executive driving positive change while attaining measurable results. Actively engages in the planning process and demonstrates understanding of business cycles and demands. Noteworthy accomplishments include successful ventures in healthcare, higher education and social services. Demonstrates a high degree of integrity with exceptional process, organization and presentation skills.
- Civic background (organizations, volunteer work, boards, etc…): Executed the development and oversight of organizational budgets to within +/- 1%; Successfully built relationships with stakeholders, outside organizations and businesses to raise over $15M; Built teams that fostered an efficient and lasting turnaround in two organizations; Received Marie Hartwig Female Athlete of the Year Award, University of Michigan; Certified Fund Raising Executive for 33 years; Education: MA, Education, University of Michigan 1973-74; BA, Anthropology, University of Michigan 1968-72; Current Position: Executive Director of the Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center 2008- Present. Previous positions: Boys and Girls Club of Tampa Bay, Vice President of Development; St. Joseph Hospital Foundation, Interim Foundation President and Director of Hospital Development; Member, Safety Harbor Rotary 2009- present; President 2011-12, Treasurer 2010-2012; Secretary 2012-13; Corporate Member, Safety Harbor Kiwanis 2009 – present; Board Member 2016-present; Board Member, Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce 2010 – 2014; Treasurer 2011-2014; Co-Chair 2012-13; Member, Clearwater Civitans 2009 – present; Member, 3rd Friday Committee City of Safety Harbor 2014; Past Elected Member, Charter Review Committee, City of Safety Harbor 2014; Past Member, Safety Harbor Woman’s Civic Club; Rotarian of the Year, Safety Harbor Rotary 2011-12 & 2012-13
- Campaign website: votejanethooper.com
- Campaign Email: janethooper23@gmail.com; jhooper@cityofsafetyharbor.com
What made you decide to run for the Safety Harbor Commission?
In recent years, development interests have dominated Safety Harbor politics; however, I believe that all voices should be heard. The future of Safety Harbor is important and I want our city to continue to be the very special city it is today with high home values and a rating as one of the best small cities in the State of Florida. Safety Harbor is a unique blend of art, history and nature. I believe in sustainable growth that compliments Safety Harbor’s character, considers our infrastructure and does not over burden our taxpayers.
Throughout my career, I have been actively involved in the management of nonprofits in the Tampa metropolitan area. For the last eight years, I have served as Executive Director of the Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center, which has grown to meet the challenges our economy has had on many residents. I bring a wealth of leadership experience in areas such as budget, management, personnel and facility management. I also bring my continued focus on resident representation. As a commissioner I have always lived my belief that my focus is our community and its residents. Our business community is very diverse and my many years of involvement with the Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce exemplifies my commitment to its success.
What do you think is the most important issue facing Safety Harbor today?
The City faces several issues including development, downtown district, taxes, traffic, parking, our environment, safety for bikers and pedestrians and development of parks and recreational areas. All of the issues are intertwined. However, I believe the most pressing issues facing Safety Harbor are growth and business development.
Over the years Safety Harbor has grown and changed, but has been able to maintain its personality. I want to see Safety Harbor grow without sacrificing those pieces of our fabric that make our city so desirable. Unmanaged growth will result in higher taxes, more traffic and damage our environment. I envision intentional, well-managed, sustainable growth that will protect us from negative impacts and enhance our quality of life.
We need to find creative ways to reduce vacancies and recruit more businesses to downtown. The solution is not as simple as increasing density, but bringing all stakeholders to the table including the landlords, business owners, local residents, the Chamber, and the City. We should develop a five-year business development strategy that best serves the community to enable us to focus our resources and maximize our existing assets. Other solutions could include mixed-use buildings, add a business development & community liaison staff position for economic development responsibilities and assist business owners and residents through the permitting process when they invest in their properties, and increasing CRA dollars. We should also look at a way to streamline the project permitting and approval process so that development decisions are more timely and cost-effective for everyone, developers, business owners, and residents,
What are your thoughts on the state of the downtown development in as it relates to businesses as well as residential properties (i.e. smart growth)?
So my comments on business development are above. The challenge is that many of the businesses have very small footprints, which limits their capacity. A bigger challenge is what is the role of local government in the business community? Over the years there has not been a clearly defined strategy. And, unless all the stakeholders come to the table, a win-win strategy cannot be developed. It is critical that the business community, residents and the city leaders work together to bring a better mix of business types, work to reduce vacancies, and encourage private businesses. I believe in collaborative solutions to development that focus on our resources and maximize our assets, which will improve our downtown.
I have always said Safety Harbor has neighborhoods not just streets with houses on them. Neighborhood design and preserving the uniqueness of our neighborhoods is paramount to our great City. Development that is compatible within the neighborhood I think preserves our core personality. I think many of the smart growth principles of collaboration, inclusion, walkable neighborhoods, and a variety of public transportation choices can all be incorporated in the growth of Safety Harbor.
What is your position on the R2 setbacks issue?
In 2013 the setbacks were changed with the intent to reduce the need for residents living in homes platted prior to 1950 to request variances to renovate their homes. Many of those properties were on smaller lots (less than 6,000). The unintended consequence of the change was the building of much larger new homes on the smaller lots to within 5 feet of the property line in neighborhoods that were predominantly smaller homes. The change had a negative impact on the neighboring houses and also had an environmental impact as it reduced the amount of green space available to absorb heavy rain fall. Everyone has property rights; all have a major investment in their homes. Local government has a responsibility to protects everyone’s rights equally.
What would you like to see happen with Firmenich property?
My first preference would be to create a mix of uses that provides residential in the back, some light industrial and maybe some office space. However, I still like the idea of residential in the back and recreational area in the front for soccer and other field sports. Safety Harbor has lots of small parks but very limited true recreational space.
What would you like to see happen with the future development of the Waterfront Park?
I believe the Waterfront Park should be kept as flexible as possible. The plans call for benches and some shelters after it completes the current phase. I do not want to see a lot of hardscapes and cement added in as they negatively impact the environment and cost money to maintain. We do need to address the parking and boat trailers issue by reconfiguring the area around the bathrooms.
If you could do one thing to stimulate economic growth in the City what would it be?
Bring all the stakeholders landlords, business owners, the Chamber, the City leaders, and the residents in the downtown area to the table and together create incentives for economic investment in the business community.
Name an issue you believe is not getting the attention it deserves or that is especially meaningful to you
Lack of true recreational space, it is sad that our children must go to Clearwater and pay high fees just to play soccer. Our environment is extremely important to me. We can do a better job with recycling and using alternatives to cement in creating paths and parking. Our tree canopy makes us unique and keeps our home values high.
If you were to be elected on March 14, what would your priorities be for the city, and what are your long-term goals for Safety Harbor’s future?
My priority would be to find ways to bring the community back together to work towards building a foundation that supports growth and preserves our core personality and our sense of community. Long term would be to promote sustainable growth within the capacity of our infrastructure and increase our capacity as needed for future growth. I would work towards a downtown that offers a good mix of retail, service businesses, restaurants, and bars—not just a vibrant nightlife but a daytime destination as well. I would like to see a multitude of recreational opportunities and wonderful trails and green space for everyone.
Please tell your supporter in the silver Mercedes AKA Patty Kent’s husband he is embarrassing himself and you going up to homes with Joe Ayoub’s signs and asking why they are voting for him. Love their response …don’t care about the condos because that was years ago, I am young and want a vibrant downtown. And the more new construction in Safety Harbor, the more my property value increases. Get off my property!
-The Real Ridder-
I do not dislike Janet, she is simply NOT qualified to be Mayor. Her campaign is based on the past. We need to move forward with OUR future and a vision for a vibrant downtown.
The Hooper campaign spends its efforts fighting a condo project that was passed in 2003 instead of offering insights for our city’s future. How can you lead into the future if you insist on clinging to 15 years ago? For gosh sakes, stop killing Safety Harbor’s future. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. And stop lying.
The reason she clings to the past is because she has no vision for the future. All leaders should have a vision for the future of the city. It does not have to be super progressive, but forward thinking to make the town thrive. If our leaders can not ensure that we are moving forward with some growth and modern thinking then what use are they? Why do they even belong on the so very important seat. This is what we all need to think about. Our local businesses and our home value depend on a well run and forward thinking commission.
Janet can keep fighting lost battles from 2003 if she wants – just not as my mayor.
I still don’t get what she’s about, very vague. Anyway, on the Firmenich property, is she living in a dream world? What developer would build a soccer field there? Is she planning on the City buying the property? I know that I would not support a soccer field as a public park in that location, what would that do out property taxes?
And she blocks any negativity on her FB Campaign page. You can’t be thin skinned when running for Mayor. Will she block out the citizens who disagree with her?
She already does.
Too bad she spends so much of her time lying about her opponent’s voting record – she should’ve spent more time on her vision.