Yet another reason to be happy you live in “Safety” Harbor

State and local officials are responsible for handling a majority of the crime legislation. The city of Safety Harbor uses the services of the Pinellas County Sheriffs’ Department to provide law enforcement through an annual contract. According to the FDL, Pinellas counties population has increased but total crime index has decreased by 8.5%. Fortunately for us this is a reoccurring trend in our area. The most recent data available from the FBI shows our city of Safety Harbor following the same trend.
Police success depends on the cooperation of the public. Policing’s desired outcomes are less crime, less fear and a sense the community is a safe and just place. Police-Community relations relies heavily on educating the public on what the local policing body does and why they do it. The Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office does more than just help keep crime down, it also offers a wide range of programs and services to those of us who work & live here. I would like to mention a few programs and services that I find beneficial, but I urge you to go to the website and look around for yourself. The site is very user friendly and any additional questions you might have are just a phone call away.
PCSO C.A.R.E.S. (Pinellas County Animal Rescue Entry System) is a website for residents to enter lost or found animals without delay. I have memorized the web address PCSOWEB.COM/CARES/ and ask you to please share it with all the pet lovers you know. The site is available 24 hours a day. The Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office implemented the site in hopes they can help reunite a beloved pet with its family.

Take Me Home is a voluntary enrollment program for individuals of all ages challenged by disabilities that impede effective communication. All information is kept confidential. Once enrolled a deputy can search by name or given physical description and assist in helping first responders with these loved ones if found without their caregivers. To enroll contact the Community Awareness unit 727-582-2222.
Vacation House Checks, the name says it all. Homeowners within the Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office service area may schedule house checks while they are away from their home for an extended period of time.
Business Watch establishes a relationship between the Sherriff’s Office and local businesses. The purpose is to reduce opportunity for crime through Police-Business communication. There is no cost to the Business owner. Benefits include: business property security inspections; personal safety presentations for your employees; emails about crime trends that affect your area.
Safety Harbor is fortunate to be a part of the Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office whose vision is to be a leader in public safety through successful partnerships, innovative technology and community respect.
Good information, it’s nice to see a blog that’s useful and uplifting finally. Thanks for contributing.