Wet Weather Doesn’t Dampen Last Weekend of Summer in Safety Harbor

Wetter than normal weather put a damper on what was expected to be a big weekend in Safety Harbor, but residents and visitors still turned out to celebrate a number of events that marked the last weekend of summer.
While the Renaissance fair themed Third Friday was pretty much a washout, the city’s annual Truck N Play Day went off as planned on Saturday.
And thanks to a break in the weather organizers said the event, which combines the touch a truck and REAL Play days, was a hit once again.
“The clouds parted just long enough for the community to get together for Truck N Play Day!” Rigsby Recreation Center director Julie Inman wrote Safety Harbor Connect.
“Children were busy honking PSTA and school bus horns, spraying the Dalmingo Society Fire Trucks, testing lights on the Florida Highway Patrol vehicle, running under the Stix Billards Monster Truck and jumping for joy in the moonwalks donated by Bouncy Times.”
Inman summed the day up by saying, “Truck N Play Day was REAL Fun!”
On Sunday, the Safety Harbor Historical Society’s Old Fashioned Barbecue at the Museum and Cultural Center also went off without a hitch.

The first annual event, designed as a fundraiser for the organization’s historical marker program, drew a couple hundred people, according to estimates, and served its initial purpose.
“We had a lot of fun, the day was sunny and nice.” SHHS member Joe Caisse wrote.
“And we raised a good amount of money for the historical marker program.”
While there is no word on how the city’s first foray into National Run@Work day went on Friday, since that was the day heaviest hit by storms, chances are the turnout wasn’t terrific.
If you happened to participate in one the three road races in town on Friday, let us know what you thought of the event.
All in all it wasn’t a bad final weekend of summer in Safety Harbor.
Hopefully Mother nature will be more cooperative next month, when the fall 2014 special events calendar kicks off.
Here are some sights from the final weekend of summer in Safety Harbor: