The Power of Words

As a writer, I am profoundly aware of the power of words, most especially in these times of national discord and divisiveness. Maya Angelou best described it when she said, “Words are things.” They have the power to encourage and build up, or attack and tear down. They impact us daily through TV, print and social media.
We live in a world of duality which, in the past year, has intensified into polarity. What we say has the power to create one nation united or one nation divided. Through the gift of free will, we are capable of bringing forth change with the impact of our verbal expression. .
In today’s political climate, we communicate most often with those who are like us, and fail to initiate dialogue with those of opposing views. Dialogue that could result in increased understanding, shared community, softening of opinions and peaceful coexistence.
I am increasingly concerned about the world we are creating for our youth. As adults, we are meant to be role models of morality, civility and society’s ideals. We are here to provide inspiration and teach respect. So I ask myself: are we as parents, educators, media figures and national leaders modeling behavior that we want our children to emulate? If I were a young person today, would I have much reason to respect my elders?
Truth, honesty, integrity, respect, unity, compassion. This is but a partial list of words that inspire action. Words that I would hope to see empowered in our nation today..
I invite you to sign in to the comments section below, and add to my list your nouns, adjectives and verbs of inspiration. Through the power of our shared words, we can join in creating a societal climate worthy of our legacy.
written by Amy Bryant, Safety Harbor resident blogger
Amy Bryant
Author of You CAN Go Home Again
Thanks,Amy !
I’m always inspired by your words.
Let’s add empathy to the list.
Peace and love to all.
Empathy, yes . . . one of the most powerful words for creating community and promoting understanding.
Interdependence is a favorite of mine because it connotes bringing each of us together with our individual strengths and talents, that together we are indeed stronger.
Yes, Patricia, you’ve captured the essence of what I had wished to convey.
Amy, thanks.
Let’s add “a sense of humor” to the mix.
Yes indeed, Barbara. We can always use more of that.
Synergy – among different ages, races, sexes, peoples, cultures. Yes, tolerance! What about LOVE ?
Thank you, Amy. Inspiring as always.
Wonderful additions. Thanks, GIsela.
Understanding and tolerance! Thanks Amy. I always look forward to your posts!
Thanks, Valerie, for contributing your important words.
Beautifully written, Amy. We all can make a difference in society, beginning in our home, our community and at work. Our words, our sentiments and the spirit with which we convey all things helps remind us that we can be the living embodiment of the change we wish to see in the world.
Maura – So happy to have you as part of my community.