Scenic Safety Harbor: Philippe Park Sunrise

It’s no secret Safety Harbor is one of the most picturesque communities in the Bay area.
Filled with natural scenic beauty like Philippe Park, the Baranoff oak tree and the waterfront, the Harbor is also chock full of man-made treasures such as the public art displays and the people who populate the city’s many events.
Knowing this made it obvious that we need to celebrate the city’s beauty with a regular feature here on Safety Harbor Connect. So, welcome to our first installment of ‘Scenic Safety Harbor’, a weekly tribute to the sights that make the Harbor a special place to live!
Our first shot, a sunrise over Philippe Park, was taken by reader Jenny Basile and uploaded to our Facebook page. If you want to see your photos featured here, you can submit them on the page, via email at, or upload them here on the site.
Thanks for the contribution, Jenny, and keep the scenic shots coming, Harborites!