Safety Harbor City Commission honors two employees

The Safety Harbor City Commission had a light agenda at its Feb. 3 meeting, but honored two department heads – one on his retirement and another for receiving an award.

City Engineer John Powell retired after seven years with the company, and one of his daughters, Jessica Rose, with whom he plays guitar with at gigs in Safety Harbor and beyond, performed a song for him. Later in the meeting, Leisure Services Director Andrea Norwood received the Patriot Award from the U.S. Department of Defense. Norwood was honored for her “exceptional support” of National Guard and Reserve members. She was nominated by Florida Army National Guard Sgt. Garrett Ilfand, who said Norwood has been extremely supportive in helping him to arrange time off for drills, training and active duty orders.
Code enforcement lien reduction request: Commission voted 5-0 to reduce a lien of $4,511.93 on the property at 2 Booth Blvd. to $425, which includes administrative costs.
Zoning designation: Commission voted 5-0 to zone recently annexed property at 2450 Madrid Ave. as R-2 (Single-Family Residential).
Safety Harbor Little League presentation: The league’s board of directors made their annual update to Commission.
Watch the video of it on the city’s website here:
7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 17