The Players of Safety Harbor present Crimes of the Heart

The Players of Safety Harbor (POSH) present Crimes of the Heart, written by Beth Henley, winner of the 1981 Pulitzer Prize and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. “Warm-hearted, irreverent, zany and brilliantly imaginative”, the play teems with humanity and humor as it examines the plight of three young Mississippi sisters betrayed by their passions.
Performances are set for Saturday, May 21, 8:00 PM; Sunday, May 22, 2:00 PM; Friday, May 27, 8:00 PM, and Saturday, May 28, with two shows at 2:00 and 8:00 PM. The final matinee is Sunday, May 29, at 2:00 PM. Doors open 30 minutes prior to the show. A donation of $10 to the Safety Harbor Library Foundation is appreciated. All proceeds benefit the Safety Harbor Library Foundation’s, 20/20 Vision – Let’s Build a Story Capital Campaign. For more 20/20 Vision information, visit:
Established in 2004 as a library theatre troupe and under the direction of Diane Lynne, The Players of Safety Harbor has grown into a reputable community theatre in the heart of Safety Harbor. For more information on POSH, visit: Crimes of the Heart is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service. The Library is located at 101 2nd Street N. Safety Harbor, FL.