Nominations Sought for Treasured Volunteers of Safety Harbor

The Safety Harbor Public Library Foundation is sponsoring Treasures of the Harbor, honoring a community volunteer that goes above and beyond to make our city a special place. A Treasure winner will be announced on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at the Foundation sponsored Key Lime Pie Fiesta held at the Library. The Foundation established the honor award in 2008.
To qualify as a Treasure, a person must reside in Safety Harbor and should not hold public office. Applications are limited to one page explaining why you chose the applicant to be a Treasure nominee and should include nominee volunteer activities and time spent on civic, non-profit and religious groups not pertaining to their own business or profession. Applications can be found by visiting: under the events tab and are due by March 18, 2016.
For further information, visit or contact Nadine Nickeson at 727-725-0660 or