The Friends and Foundation – Providing Support to Your Library

Citizens often ask what’s the difference between the Friends of the Library and the Library Foundation and why we need two 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations? Although their missions are similar and both are strong library advocates, we need these two distinct, like minded support groups. With them, we can provide more to you, making our library shine.
What do they do? Friends provide financial gifts to support programs and services above the library’s budget. This summer they funded summer reading prizes and eight weeks of unique youth programs, allowing us to have more for you. The Friends raise funds through quarterly book sales, an in-house book store, memberships, and other fundraisers allowing us to purchase items needed in our daily operations and to offer additional events. The next book sale is Saturday, June 13, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Come early for the best selection of books, DVDs, music CDs, most for only $1.00. All proceeds directly support the library.
The Foundation provides a strong foundation for the library to thrive and grow as community needs and interests change, ensuring the library is secure for the future. They support an annual Arts and Culture Series and encourage membership, host annual fundraisers, and solicit private and public support. Later this year, the Foundation will kick off a five year capital campaign, A 20/20 Vision, Let’s Build a Story, to raise funds for a proposed second floor meeting room expansion. The Foundation is sponsoring an evening at the Clearwater Threshers on Friday, July 19. Tickets are $20 and are available at the library. The ticket includes all you can get hot dogs, burgers, ice cream, soda and more, entry into the game, a post game concert and fireworks!
We thank Friends and Foundation members for their ongoing support. For more information or to become a member visit: and
Yes, Gisela, the Threshers event is Friday, July 17, 2015. It is also Third Friday in the City. Thanks, Lisa
Can we get the correct date for the event at the Threshers’, please? July 19th is not a Friday.
It’s probably the 17th?