Commission passes racial justice resolution

After the two most recent meetings went late into the night with much anger shared over whether signs should be displayed on city property, Monday night’s meeting of the Safety Harbor City Commission was quick with unanimous decisions on all items.
The topic that has dominated the past two meetings – displaying Black Lives Matter and then Safety Harbor Stands United signs on city property – was discussed again briefly early in the meeting, with two members of the public speaking before Commission had a brief discussion without any additional action. A draft of a policy on such signs is in the works, City Attorney Nikki Day told Commission, and Commissioners expressed a desire for the new Diversity Advisory Board to get formed and get to work quickly.
Later in the meeting, Commission voted 5-0 on a scheduled agenda item to approve a resolution in support of racial justice.
Major site plan modification for Harbour Pointe West: Commission voted 4-0, with Mayor Joe Ayoub abstaining at the advice of Day because of how close he lives to the planned development, to approve changes to a previously approved mixed-use development behind the Safety Harbor Chamber of Commerce that include new looks for upper-story balconies and updated utility and bicycle parking information.
Utility and drainage easement vacations: Commission voted 5-0 in separate votes to approve requests to vacate small portions of utility and drainage easements at 811 Duval Court and at 873 Harbor Hill Drive.
Election qualifying period: Commission voted 5-0 to approve the qualifying dates for the 2021 city elections as Dec. 7-14.
Economic Development Liaison: In an item that wasn’t on the agenda but was raised by City Manager Matthew Spoor during Commissioner Reports at the end of the meeting, Commission voted 5-0 to temporarily pause the city’s volunteer Economic Development Liaison position and relieve EDL Jonathan Brewer of his responsibilities.
Watch a video of it on the city’s website here:
7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 17.
Black Lives Matter is not a political issue. It is life 24/7 for millions of people. It is a human rights matter. I am ashamed to be part of a community that doesn’t support this by allowing Black Lives Matter signs on city property. If Safety Harbor has a problem with this, then Safety Harbor is part of the problem.
I think the subject line of your post is incorrect. Resolution? There wasn’t any resolution for the black people of safety Harbor, instead they were shown that the White majority of this town are afraid of any real equality or real discussion on equality.