City Commission Names Mayor’s Award of Excellence Winners

Two properties, one commercial and one residential, were recipients of the semi-annual award that recognizes achievement in beautification.
Safety Harbor residents take pride in their community, so it’s fitting the city has an award that recognizes those who strive to make their property as beautiful as possible.
The city’s semi-annual Mayor’s Award of Excellence rewards two properties, one commercial and one residential, which represent the pinnacle of beautification achievements.
On October 21st, the Safety Harbor City Commission selected the latest recipients of the award: 404 Main St. in the commercial category, and 1005 Main St. was selected as the residential recipient of the award.
“The thing that always strikes me is what a fabulous job people do when they do these renovations,” Vice Mayor Nina Bandoni said. “Each one of them is impressive to me.”
“But I think that 404 Main Street is my favorite, because it really does make a substantial change on our Main Street.”
Mayor Joe Ayoub agreed, stating the building, which was extensively remodeled by current tenant Franklin Clark, “has the most visual impact of the three.”
“It’s very nice of the commission to give us this award,” Clark told Safety Harbor Connect. “We put a lot of work into this property. It was a complete gut job.”
“We wanted it to stand out and blend in at the exact same time,” he added. “Hopefully we set a standard for others to follow.”
As for the residential winner, Commissioner Nancy Besore noted that for years the home located on the corner of Tenth Avenue North and Main Street had a number of tenants, none of whom made substantial improvements to the property.
That all changed when Steve and Kelli Chickos moved in last year.
“These folks dug in and substantially changed that corner,” Besore said. Commissioner Cliff Merz concurred with Besore. “I agree, it’s a no-brainer,” he said. “You leave the city, you come into it and it says, ‘here we are’.”
Chickos, who recently received another beautification award from the Safety Harbor Garden Club, said he was thrilled to receive the Mayor’s award.
“It’s both humbling and flattering to be recognized by the city like this,” he said. “We’ve always taken care of our property and had never been recognized before.”
“Being in this location, we felt it was important for the property to look good. Hopefully it will inspire others to do the same.”
The winners will be presented with Mayor’s Award of Excellence plaques and yard signs to display on their property at the City Commission meeting on November 4th.
Thanks for the comment, Susan and Blake. You hit the nail on the head – the Chickos’ did a fantastic job with this picturesque property!
This is and OUTSTANDING renovation. You deserve the highest amount of praise! We understand how much effort and challenge go into a rehab of this type. Once your are ankle deep, then knee deep, you may as well get your hair wet, and swim. There is no turning back, once you are in a Gutted home and in Safety Harbor! I’d love to see the inside! can we make an appointment to see this beauty? Please call. 727-643-5541.