Choose the Best for 2022

As we close out 2021, my two major concerns are politics and the pandemic which, just as it’s seeming to ebb, starts flowing again. In my case, our family is completely united in our views on both subjects. Regarding friendships, with the exception of one very sad loss, even those with differing viewpoints have remained intact because we refrain from attack and focus on what unites us.
Regardless of our political views or our views on masks and vaccines, we can make choices that will help unite the national divide and reunite us as human beings:
Choose love over hate
Choose compassion over judgement
Choose forgiveness over condemnation
Choose peace over violence
As individuals, we may not have a broad platform of influence: we may not hold public office, or preside over a board, but we can have a positive effect on our community, our neighbors, or even the strangers we encounter on the street. When we come face-to-face are we a loving, compassionate, forgiving peacemaker; or are we a hateful, violent, condemning adversary?
The world is watching. Ever since I can remember, our country has been portrayed as the major world leader. But we’ve lost ground. Our dirty laundry has been aired of late, and it counteracts the lofty myths that we have portrayed.
The pandemic has been a rollercoaster ride. Just as we believe things are getting better, a new variant shows up, and once again we experience fear and doubt. But as death rates have decreased, and the seriousness of individual cases has lessened, we are leaning more in the direction of hopefulness.
We’re in the midst of the holiday season; a season that brings out the best in people. We are more joyful, more generous, and more compassionate. We seek out our loved ones, whether they be family or friends, and engage in heartwarming interaction. This year, many of us will be trading in Zoom for face-to-face gatherings. We humans have an intrinsic need for community and personal contact.
More importantly, it is a season of optimism. Yes, there is still uncertainty, and we cannot cease being cautious, but we have the opportunity to grasp firmly the positive feelings of the holidays and ride this positive wave into 2022.
Throughout these past two years, I have wondered: Are there spiritual lessons to be learned here? Perhaps we have failed to fulfill our purpose on Earth to live as one human family. Perhaps the pandemic was designed to bring us together in a common cause. If so, I invite you to consider once again:
Choose love over hate
Choose compassion over judgement
Choose forgiveness over condemnation
Choose peace over violence
Choose to be the creator of the best possible 2022.

Author of You Can Go Home Again
Thank you Patricia for your encouraging remark.
Thank you, Gisela, for your continued support of my writing.
Beautiful, Amy. Thank you.
Amy, another positive article from you. You have a gift for encouraging your fellow men and women to see the good in these difficult times. I loved to read it, and will read it again, also share it. Thank you.
And can you, please, send a copy to Mr. Trump?