2015 Safety Harbor Candidate Profile: Andy Zodrow (Seat 3)

Name: Andy Zodrow
Age: 45
Family: Wife, Cammie Zodrow, a dolphin trainer at Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and two boys, age 6 and 10, enrolled in Safety Harbor Elementary School.
Professional Background:
- 2000 – present – Attorney for the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County practicing in environmental law
- 1997 – 2000 – Attorney for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection practicing in environmental law
Civic Background (commissions, boards, organizations, volunteer, etc…)
- City of Safety Harbor Commission Seat #3 since 2014
- Member of the Florida Bar since 1996
- Member of Environmental and Land-Use Law Section of the Florida Bar
- Florida Association of Environmental Professionals
- Tampa Bay Association of Environmental Professionals
- Volunteer working on UNESCO World Heritage Site application and Ramsar Wetland of International Importance application
What made you decide to run for the Safety Harbor City Commission?
I was concerned about the unchecked development within the City, including some proposals for the new Waterfront Park that I thought were not compatible with the atmosphere of the City. As a Commissioner this last year I have been deeply involved in the tree ordinance and I want to ensure that a reasonable, yet strong, ordinance gets adopted soon. Concerns from the community over the threat to the tree canopy, which is such a prominent and important feature of our town, has further motivated me to remain in office. The existing development approval for the 7 story condominium complex across from the marina is also a great concern for me.
What do you believe is the most important issue affecting Safety Harbor today?
The most important issue affecting the City today is the question of compatibility and the reasonable nature of development within the City.
What is one issue you would like to see the City Commission address?
The City must continue the development of the Waterfront Park in a timely and cost conscientious manner while preserving the environmental character of the area.
If you were to be elected, what are your priorities for the City?
One of my top priorities will be ensuring a reasonable tree ordinance gets adopted by the Commission and that it be done in a timely manner. The development of the Waterfront Park will also continue to remain a priority for me. Finally, as a Commissioner I would encourage the City to creatively market the downtown area for new businesses by utilizing its unique and historic atmosphere.
Final thoughts?
As a final note, I voted against a millage increase in 2014 because the City has substantial reserves, among the highest per capita in Pinellas County, and I felt it would be fiscally irresponsible to make the residents pay for an increase in taxes when such funds were clearly available.
Campaign Info:
- Website: www.electandyzodrow.com
- Email: andy4seat3@gmail.com
- Social Media: Facebook.com/electandyzodrow
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