Public Hearing on Harbor Pointe Village Plan Tonight

The Safety Harbor City Commission convenes tonight at City Hall, and there are a number of items on the agenda that should be of interest to residents.
One important item of note is the Harbor Pointe Village development.
After receiving approval to build six single-family homes on a half-acre parcel of land located on Iron Age Road from the Planning and Zoning Board last month, the issue goes before the commission for a public hearing tonight.
The developer sought an amendment to the site plan that would allow the 2,800 – 3,000-sq. ft. homes to be built on the property rather than two quad-unit townhomes, as the land had originally been zoned for.
The request was approved by P&Z a 6-1 vote in November.
Also on the agenda tonight, an amendment to the land development and zoning code that would modify the minimum yard requirements for for lots platted prior to 1950, which would help establish a new Flex Business Industrial (FBI) zoning district.
According to city documents, the amendment would affect 828 parcels, 755 of which are already improved, and would bring a large number of homes into compliance and establish a new zoning district classification “designed to encourage a compatible mix of freestanding, flex and/or research buildings arranged as single structures or groupings with minimal nuisance characteristics to form a landscaped park setting.”
The amendment was passed by the P&Z board by a unanimous 7-0 vote last month.
The Safety Harbor City Commission meets at 7:30 p.m. at Safety Harbor City Hall, located at 750 Main St.